S2 Chapter 13

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 The next day approached and Amari sat down at the kitchen table about stirring her cereal around with a spoon slowly. All she could think about was the challenges ahead of her.

It was very clear that Endeavor hated her, and that he would probably try everything within his power to take her down, attempting to make her quit. Too bad he didn't know who he was dealing with.

Sighing heavily, Amari paused when she caught Katsuki descending the stairs in a loud manner, now staring at his appearance with widened eyes. "Good morning Katsuki."

His normally spiky hair was now replaced with a neat and combed down look. It was honestly one of the funnest things she'd seen in awhile. What had Best Jeanist done to him?

Narrowing his eyes in anger her brother replied. "Don't even go there.."

Staring at the surface, Amari couldn't help but chuckle, covering her mouth slightly, much to his dismay. "Hey, shut up, will you?! I'm going to kick your ass if you don't quit it."

She clamped her mouth shut then, although a tiny giggle still managed to escape. "Sorry Katsuki, but what happened? You look, different."

He wasn't happy with the heckling so for revenge, Katsuki moved up to his sister before pushing her head down for a moment, still clearly upset. "I said quit it! It's all that dumbass's fault. I can't believe he's making me wear this."

By dumbass, Amari knew he meant Best Jeanist, now dropping her spoon in her bowl. "Wow, and I thought I had it rough."

Slumping down in his seat, Bakugo took the bowl of cereal out of her hands and taking a big bite. It was his revenge for laughing at him. "It doesn't matter what that bastard does. I'm still going to be the best regardless."

Looking down at her empty hands, Amari saddened at bit. She guessed she was finished with breakfast. "I don't doubt it."

Bakugo took another bite before noticing her sadness and feeling immediately bad for stealing her food. Why was she always so dramatic? "How is it over at that other bastards agency? You're with icy hots father, right?"

Nodding her head, he saw her sigh heavily, now tapping her fingers on the table. "Yeah, it doesn't seem he likes me very much. I sure have my work cut out for me."

Bakugo raised an eyebrow at that. Amari was always a people person, if only a little awkward. Why would Endeavor hate her? "And why the hell doesn't he like you?"

Laughing nervously, Amari smiled. "Oh uhh, I may have threatened him back at the sports festival?"

Katsuki's eyes widened at that, dropping the spoon in the bowl in surprise. Amari threatened the number two greatest hero? She really was crazy.

Processing the words, Bakugo couldn't help but crack a smile at the idea, leaning forward and rubbing the top of her head roughly. That sounded like something he would have done. "You actually did that? Damn Amari, I guess you really are my twin afterall."

At the contact, Amari froze unsure on how to process it. His words were filled with such pride and admiration. He just called her his twin. She realized that was the first time he has acknowledged something like that. It almost made her want to cry. "Really?"

Nodding his head, Katsuki then pushed the bowl over to her before smirking. "Hell yeah, and here I thought you were just a wimp but it looks like you've got some guts as well. You go show that bastard what a Bakugo is made of."

Amari looked down at the milk, for a moment before a soft smile crept into her lips. Now she knew she couldn't give up, not after those words. "Thanks Katsuki. I will."

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