Chapter 2

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Bakugo's day just kept getting worse. First he had to sit through his teachers usual boring lecture while his childhood annoyance, Deku, muttered on about being a hero or some crap like that. As if he would ever be a hero. Deku was just a quirkless idiot.

And now to make matters worse he was being scolded by his "friends" for going too rough on the useless nerd."Hey Bakugo, you didn't have to go that far with the kid."

Bakugo just shoved his hands in his pockets though, not seeing the point. "Shut up. When have you all become such wet blankets? I was just trying to get it through his thick stupid head."

They were clearly overreacting. All he did was burn his little notebook and throw it out the window. It's not like he commited murder or anything like that. He had done far worse when they were kids. "It's his fault for getting in my way."

Feeling a sense of rage, out of the corner of his eye Bakugo saw a bottle on the ground and kicked it, having the object collide with the pole next to him.

His friend tried to reassure him to stop another anger blast from the boy, shrugging. "Don't let it get to you."

Of course it didn't work though as Bakugo recalled the conversation they just had in the classroom. That dumb Deku was so stupid, saying he wanted to be a hero even though it was impossible. "He's an idiot dreaming like a kid! Just watching him pisses me off!"

His friends laughed nervously and pointed away from them. "Hey, you wanna hit the arcade before we go home, get your mind off it?"

Bakugo thought for a moment before slowly nodding his head, still angry though of course.

Suddenly, the ground shook below them and a new voice emerged from the silence. "My, what a wonderful quirk!"

Turning sharply, Bakugo's and his friends face fell in terror. Standing behind them was a dark green formless blob. There was no doubt about it, that was a villain.

Bakugo barely had time to react before the slime dashed to the boy and swallowed his entire body whole.

Yeah, this day just kept getting worse.


Stretching her arms and giving a slight yawn, Amari stepped off the plane to finally see the sights of Japan. It had been so long since she'd been here.

She grabbed her suitcase next to her and popped up the handle before rolling it along the sea of busy people and carts trying to get from one terminal to the next.

Just then, her phone began to ring in her pocket and Amari pulled it out to answer. "Hey, sorry I just landed. Japan is so much prettier than I remember it to be."

The voice on the other hand didn't sound pleased though. "I didn't call you to hear about the sights. You took the supply before the left right? You know what happens if you don't take those pills..."

Sighing loudly, Amari asked back, patting her pockets just to be sure. Yep still there. "I know, I know, and I have them. Don't worry. I'm not that stupid."

The voice seemed to sigh back as well. Obviously he wasn't in the mood. "Well, that's to be decided.."

Amari stopped, feeling a slight twitch in her eye. Had he just insulted her? "Ha ha very funny. Now, as much as I would love to catch up some more I gotta get the next bus. See ya Doc."

She just got a grunt in response before the line went dead but that was to be expected. The Doc didn't usually love extended conversations. That worked for her though.

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