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Minho hasn't completely stopped drawing adult comics. It doesn't have to do with Jisung. Not really, anyway.

He has finished his last series. He went through all the edits. For the combined volumes. And he was so glad to be done. 

It's not that he disliked the work... or the content...

It's just that... he realized a lot of stress might be associated with it. Mainly because over the past months... he was struggling with Jisung.

Minho realized it. When he was going through the last volume. He had strangely felt anxious. Felt the need to look around. Find Jisung. To see him. Make sure he's here. Alive. Present. Okay.

So he decided a break was needed. Or a change from his previous projects. His editor had a nice offer: illustrate another writer's story.

Minho considered it. He thought it might be a little less work. He wouldn't have to worry about the characters. Plot. Dialogue.

He was right. But... collaborating with another person...

That meant more meetings. More necessary travel for work. He'd have to meet the author. The publishers. Representatives.

He'd been stressed about it. Then got too reluctant to accept. Because he had to leave Jisung? For days? Maybe a week?

He tried proposing online meetings. He could do his research online. Use pictures as reference. But they didn't like that. They could get another artist. If he wasn't committed to putting in necessary work.

Hyunjin tried to talk to him about it— Mrs. Hwang did too. At the same time... his brother kept sounding concerned. More and more. He hadn't see Minho for "ages"...

Finally... it was Jisung. He managed to convince Minho to accept. Well, sort of. "I am fine now, Minho! You have to work! I don't have money! I don't even have a bank account!"

"Oh, mom's going to help you with that," Hyunjin had said.

Minho sighed. "I understand that, but there is other work I can do—"

"No! You said you want to do something different! This is different! But the only reason you're not accepting it is because of me! Look, I'm not a kid who needs to be taken care of 24/7! I can even do magic—"

"Okay, Jisung, but you shouldn't—"

"I'm not saying I'll do magic when you're gone, Minho. I might do a little bit. Here. By myself." He giggled.

"T-This isn't funny, it's not helping—"

"Oh, okay, I'm sorry— Hyunjin, stop laughing, it's not funny!"

It took a lot of effort. From Jisung. He whined. Stomped. Fired very difficult questions at Minho. And Minho knew... he learned them from those romance comics. It was hard for Minho because of Hyunjin too. He was backing Jisung up the entire time.

"Come on, it's not like you haven't left him in our care before—"

"For a few hours, Hyunjin! Not days! Nor weeks!"

"So you don't trust Hyunjin's family? Is that it? Or do you not trust me? You don't think I can take care of myself? I've been alone before!"

"But that was just around the block, Jisung! Like ten minutes from me— not hundreds of kilometers!"

"Oh, do you think I'm stupid? You think I can't do anything alone? How can you say you love me and not trust me or believe in me?"

"No... I'm just saying that it's too long and too far. And it's too soon for me to be so far for so long— it's barely been four months since you got your memories and your magic. You said you can't see my brother yet because you don't want to get nervous and do anything by accident!"

"Minho," Hyunjin had said. "That has nothing to do with your work..."

"Yes!" Jisung shouted. "Thank you, Hyunjin! And Minho, you can visit your brother so he stops worrying about you! It's not nice to make him worry all the time! I don't want you to not see him because of me! That makes me a bad guy! Am I the bad guy in this, Hyunjin?!"

Hyunjin pats his back. "Oh, of course not—"

"Do you want me to be the bad guy, Minho? Is that what you want?"

Minho couldn't answer. But he could glare at Hyunjin.

The other understood. Excused himself.

Jisung clung to Hyunjin. The other whispered encouraging words to him. Slowly pushed Jisung's fingers away. Left quickly.

Jisung wasn't so loud or brave after. He started crying.

Minho gave up. "Oh... I'm sorry... come here..."

The other crawled into his lap. Shoved his face into his shoulder.

"I l-love you," Jisung whimpered.

"I love you too..." Minho said. Embraced him.

"You said I can learn about everything," Jisung said. "I'm trying to learn a-and it's taking so long... and it keeps you from doing things you want... and I hate it... I want you to have time for yourself too..."

"You're not taking long! You've missed whole eras, Jisung... you're allowed all the time and you can do everything as slowly as you want—"

"S-So you think I'm slow?"

"Absolutely not! I think... it's okay to be slower, actually... don't overwhelm yourself... I want to help you through this all, one thing at a time... I'm just worried about you and I want you to be okay..."

"But I am. I'm okay... I've made you sad, and lonely, and... scared..." Jisung sniffed. Parted. "It was so hard for you a-and you always took care of me...  I'm worried about you too, you know..."

"I wanted to... I love you and I need to—"

"But you don't need to now! I can do so much all by myself and if I can't, I have a family who can help me! What's the difference between a few hours and a day, Minho?"

"There's a huge difference..." Minho muttered. "Do you remember when you were alive for mere minutes?"

Jisung chuckled. Minho kissed him softly. Wiped his tears.

"But okay, I'll do it. You have to stay with the Hwangs when I'm away though. Please do not stay alone."

"Noooo, Minhoooo..." Jisung whined again.

"Just until I get used to it, okay? Jisung, I'm sorry but... it's kind of about me too... it'll help me feel better..."

Jisung pouted tearfully. "Okay, Minho..."

To be continued...

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