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- 3rd person -

''You ne...need to h...help me please!''

A hybrid whimpers, tail lowered between her legs.

''No... I don't''

Namjoon blinks, before slamming the door shut. Not truly progressing what was happening. He walks back to the living room, raising his eyebrows as the others were staring at him. 

''What?'' He asks

Seokjin raises his eyebrow. ''Well, who was at the door?'' 

A shrug was the answer that he received. ''Don't know. Don't care. We have bigger problems'' Namjoon mutters. The youngest of the bunch stares at the leader in confusion. ''...Okay?'' He questions standing up and making his way to the door. 

''You good?'' Jungkook asks with a nod, staring at the crying hybrid. ''N-no'' She weeps, he facepalms. ''Listen my own hybrid is in a bad mood. If she smells your scent on me she will murder me. There is a hybrid center a few blocks away. They can help you way better than we can'' He explains with a sigh before closing the door again.

 Leaving the hybrid on their doorstep speechless. She shot one last look at the house before wandering into the direction that Jungkook told her to.

As soon as Jungkook steps back in the living room the curious eyes shot to him. 

''Already fixed it''

Loud footsteps echoed in the hall as a certain someone marches down the stairs. Their focus shot to the husky hybrid with red eyes. Her expression was sadly mixed with a bit of anger. ''I'm in need of revenge or ice cream!'' She declares, glaring at her feet. 

But slowly she makes eye contact with them.  

Jin scoffs. ''At least one of them will keep us alive..'' Sharp eyes stare him down as the sentence left his mouth a smirk appears. ''Seems like you made the choice for me'' The brunette whispers under her breath, tail swaying behind her. 

With a smile she walks towards Hoseok, sitting on his lap. ''Can I borrow your credit card?'' Y/n asks him leaning closer, softly kissing him on the cheek. 

- - - - - -

The card was now in her hand as she crosses the street. Eyes filled with mischievous. Her hand pushes the door handle as she enters the shop. Her eyes wander around, tail wagging wildly and her ears alert.

The hybrid walks closer to the counter, eying the elder lady behind it. Y/n could see that this woman has been through a lot, her face along told a thousand of stories Sending her a small smile, while the woman leans closer. 

Giving off a welcoming feel as she greets the hybrid with bright eyes

''What can I help you with dear?'' 

''I need the best weapons you have in your store''

The older woman got to work, immediately shuffling through the store gathering whatever the girl had wished for. 

When Y/n paid for everything the lady leans closer. ''Let me tell you something dear.. If you need to bury a dead body, go to the graveyard no one looks there. Trust me'' She ends with a laugh leaving the hybrid at a loss for words. ''..Thank you'' 

And with that said she walks out of the store at a quick pace. Keeping the bag with her new weapons close to her body. ''I warned them. I warned everybody'' She states while smashing a car window, driving away with it in the progress, throwing her phone out of the window. 

''Now I just have to get rid of the tracker in my arm..''

Back at the house, the seven men were tense. They didn't know where the husky hybrid was, but it was taking way too long. 

''What if she is taken. She's still weak'' Namjoon mumbles, which just made Taehyung chuckle. ''Weak? Yes, Yoongi is but Y/n? No way'' He tried to avoid the flying fist coming his way. 

While a new argument found place, Hoseok got a notification on his phone. Making in eyes grow in realization. ''Fuck!'' He curses gaining the attention of the six men around him. ''What?'' Jimin asks, trying to see what's on his phone. 

''Well... Let's just say that her decision wasn't ice cream'' 

As soon as they heard his words the room turned into a big chaotic mess.

- - - - - -

A knife glistens in the sun as the brunette twirls it. She took a deep sigh. ''It's now or never'' She grimaces as the knife slowly cut the skin. 

With a hiss escaping her mouth she puts her other hand on her arm, squeezing it. Hoping to see what she was looking for. Blood was dripping on the ground beneath her as a pained gasp leaves her mouth. 

But she needs to do this, for herself and for what she wants to accomplish. To be independent again. 

A new look of determination takes place in her green orbs. 

More blood drops but she can finally see something very small exiting her body. The girl quickly ripped a random shirt apart that was in the car, tying it around the fresh wound making sure she was applying the right amount of pressure. 

''They will regret the shit that they did to me. Everyone'' 

She grasps a big hoodie laying in the backseat of the car, hiding everything that just took place. Her tail wags, she was finally getting control of this fucked up situation. And it was a very good feeling.

Hands embraced the steering wheel, a grin decorating her face, driving deeper into the town. Already knowing one next location to visit. ''They won't see this one coming'' 

- - - - - -

''Where is she!'' A booming voice demands, making the people around him flinch. ''W..We don't k..Know sir..'' The whimpering voice mumbles. His glare frightens them even more, his fists slams down on the table in front of him. ''And where is that furball that I sent to their temporary house?'' The frustration in his voice warns his workers. 

They're on thin ice.

''She ran to a hybrid shelter and has protection now'' 

His eyes got even darker. 

''Looks like I have to do this by myself'' 

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