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Sorry, it took so long for the new chapter, school is being a bitch. 

Also, thank you all so much for 3k votes and 1k comments!

- 3rd person -

The husky hybrid was sprinting through the building, trying to find a way to get out of here. A frustrated sigh left her mouth. ''Why is it so dark in here...'' She grumbled, squinting with her eyes. 

A voice made her ears perk up. 

The brunette sniffed the air, her paws making their way to the source of the voice. 

She ended up being in a dark hall, behind a heavy-looking door. Her face showed her true emotion, irritation. Y/n leaned closer to the door, focusing on the voices inside the room. 

''We already have a lot of gangs on our sides, what could go wrong?'' A man with a flat voice insisted. That was the only voice that stood out. 

With a roll of her eyes, the husky hybrid turned around starting to walk away. Until a different voice filled that room. ''We just need to make sure they are all in the same house when we attack'' 

''Don't forget. We're aiming to kill. But you can take the hybrids hostage, we can sell them'' 

It took a few seconds until the words were truly progressed in her head. ''...I have to warn the others'' She gulped before turning around, running face-first into a wall. The hybrid barked in pain before continuing. 

''Why does danger always find me'' A smirk slowly crept on her face. 

''...I get bored of showing people wrong'' 

In the meantime, the other two hybrids were still playfully bickering. Lisa stopped the tiger hybrid with her white paw. Her fluffy stood straight on her head. ''Did you hear that?'' She sniffed the air.  Hwasa nodded, implying that she heard the noise. The girl stuck her nose in the air. ''I am picking up a familiar scent'' 

And before the two even knew it a swift husky crashed into them, sending the three to the ground. 

Y/n was quick to get back on her paws. ''We need to go. Now!'' 

Without explaining the reason why she scurried out of the old warehouse, with her friends close on her tail. 

''Yo, why the hell would you run off like that without an explanation'' 

Not noticing that someone had seen them...
- - - - - -

As soon as the house came into her view she transformed into her normal form. Her eyes widened in realization. 

There in the same place. All together.

Her gaze shot to the front door. With a tight grip, her hand wrapped around it opening the door. 

Surprised to see all the seven boys with bags in their hands. Eyes locking with Namjoon before she opened her mouth. ''Guys w-'' ''We need to split up. It isn't safe here for us'' Hoseok finished making the hybrid confused. 

''How do you know that?'' 

Taehyung grasped her hand, before rushing to their new bought van. Not bothering to answer her question.

''You better not wreck this one'' He smirked as he sat down pulling her next to him. ''I will. If we don't leave soon'' She snarled annoyed that they were taking their dear time to get in the van. 

She couldn't help but roll her eyes when Jungkook sat down next to her. ''I didn't expect that you would be so damn slow'' The girl stated. Before he got the chance to Seokjin gave him a harsh stare that made him quiet down. 

Hoseok started the car driving away at full speed. 

- - - - - -

Snoring filled the quiet car as they speeded across the highway. ''Why does he get to sleep on your shoulder?'' Jimin complained glaring at Taehyung's sleeping form. He was napping on the brunette's shoulder, hugging her as if she was a teddybear. 

''I am the one that should be complaining. He's casually crushing me!'' She stated, with a sigh leaving her mouth. He narrowed his eyes at her. ''Well, push him off then!'' Jimin started to whine. Y/n scoffed, secretly leaning against Jungkook, who had a knowing smirk on his face. 

''Fuck off he's comfy''

After the girl had grumbled those words the car turned silent. Until a certain someone broke it. 

''Don't fucking swear!'' 

- Three hours later -

''Taehyung if you don't stop drooling right now, I will clean the windows with your face!'' Y/n yelled in utter frustration when he almost drooled on her. 

They all looked relieved when the van came to a stop. Happy that they could move their legs again after the long car ride.

Y/n stretched her arms as she looked at a small house that was in front of her. A smile decorated her  face. This house felt like the one she used to live in. "Finally a house that doesn't have twice as many rooms as people!" The brunette mumbled in delight.

The seven men standing behind her just chuckled. But Seokjin did not, he scoffed at the hybrid's words. "I actually prefer it that way. This seems so small" The man stated with distaste.

What he said made the other men rol their eyes. Leave it up to Jin to ruin a peaceful moment. "Whatever, let's just go inside'' Hoseok uttered, grasping the girl's hand, before guiding her into the house.

But when they entered the house their good mood was down again pretty quickly.

A gasp left Y/n's mouth, her eyes filled with a sudden rage.

In front of them was a picture with a bunny and a tiger hybrid. Both bloodied and covered with bruises.

-  - - - -  - - -
This chapter is a little bit shorter, but I will make up for it in the next one.

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