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- 3rd person -

A glass falls down on a dark-colored floor, breaking it. 

''That small boy better watch his back!''

The man's wrist clenches as he watches the tv screen, seeing how someone was kissing the husky hybrid. His eyes were just fixated on the bright object, anger blaring throughout his body. 

''M... Master...  You asked for m... Me?'' A trembling voice mumbles. She flinches as soon as their eyes meet, cold shivers running all over her body. Her tail tattered and twitching as she was under his judging gaze. 

Jiyong smirks,  as he harshly pulls her closer. ''Yes. There is a thing you need to do'' He says his hands grabbing onto her fluffy ears, making her lean towards him. An agony filled scream fills the room, as the sensitive ears were in his hold. He pulls even harder, making the girl yell louder, the tears are streaming down her face as he chuckles. 

His other hand wraps around her chin. ''If you fail... You'll be wishing you were dead!'' He pushes his hand forward, sending the girl onto the floor with a satisfied smirk. 

- - - - - -

''Jimin, I'm going to kill you!'' Jungkook declares, running after a half-naked Jimin.  ''What I didn't do shit!'' Jimin shrieks back, as he dodges a pillow that was directed to his head. 

The brunette was still sitting on the bed, with a smirk on her face. All the information she managed to get out of Jimin by just pleasing him, made her future plans way easier. 

She cracks her hands once before leaning back onto the bed. ''That dickhead will pay...'' 


Jin strolls into the room, sitting down next to her. ''If you want to defeat Jiyong it won't work'' He states, making Y/n click her tongue annoyed. ''Listen I will make it work, or I will die trying'' Before Seokjin could interrupt her she proceeds.

''The way he treats hybrids is disgusting and it needs to stop''  

Her eyes met his. ''If you know what's good for you. Keep your mouth shut'' The harsh words made his eyes widen, he moves his body so the two of them were face to face. ''I do not take threatening kindly, just a warning. But you don't have to do this alone'' 

Y/n's eyes turn cold. ''That's were you are wrong. I do have to do this alone because every hybrid in a situation like that feels alone. Every person in such a situation feels alone... I felt alone! Do you want to know why?'' She asks, waiting until Seokjin answers with a nod. 

A deep sigh escapes her mouth. 

''We never asked to be in a gang. To be treated like a pet or even to be apart of this fucked up world. But nobody cares. Don't you see how bad this is?'' She hesitates for a few seconds, before continuing, looking him straight in the eyes while doing so.

''Do you really think that I am happy here? Yes, you guys might have improved your behavior a little... But do you really think that I have forgiven you all? That I have forgotten every single thing you did to me, taking me out of my own house, putting shock collars on me, treating me like I'm not even human. It's sick''

Her eyes got teary, she broke the eye contact, not wanting to let her tears spill. Not wanting to break down in front of him.

Jin swallows loudly, softly grasping her hand. ''But... We apologized for all that we did'' He tries, Y/n shook her head with a bitter chuckle escaping her mouth. 

''Would you have forgiven me, if I did that to you? If I took you from a peaceful life, forcing you to adapt to gang life, forcing you to act like I want you to because if you don't, you get shocked, unwanted tattoos or things injected in you? Would you forgive and forget if that happened to you?'' 

 He shook his head, the guilt was eating him alive, it was almost as if her words were knives stabbing into his body. ''I can ask Namjoon if we could give you more freedom...'' He offers, wiping her tears away. 

Hoping to somehow make her feel better. 

The hybrid's tail lowers between her legs, as she stares at the floor. They really didn't get it, did they? Her gaze shot towards him, feeling annoyed.

''I'm already way too deep into this stupid gang life. A crazy person is after me because you assholes had to take me from my own life!''  Her arms were crossed over each other as she glares at him.

She bit the inside of her cheek as she stood up from the bed, preparing to walk away. But before she did she faced him one more time. 

''Sorry, doesn't make everything fine... Look at all the hybrids who are being treated like shit, because people with money want to flex. I tried to end my life because of how you were treating me... Just imaging how those hybrids feel on a daily basis'' 

With those words she slams the door behind her, wincing as she remembers her bullet wound. But she still continued her way into an empty room. 

As soon as she sat down a sob left her mouth. 

The words that she had wanted to say to them were finally out. It wasn't even out of revenge, because she actually did like them now that they were nicer. But if they ever want to gain her trust, they will have to work very hard for it. 

- - - - - - 

Downstairs Seokjin just explained what had happened, and the boys were sad, to say the least. 

Right now they were discussing different plans that would work so that they could help the hybrid. 

But a knock on the door broke them out of their thoughts. 

''I will get it'' Namjoon mumbles, who was devasted when Jin told them about her true feelings towards them.

His hand grabs the doorknob slowly twisting it, looking at the person in confusion. 

''You ne...need to h...help me please!''

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Hello, everyone. 

So I have decided my other book Sold back online, so you can read that again if you want. And there will be a new book, which will be called:

Just Me.

JJk x Reader x MYG

Bts are a popular friend group in college. Girls throw themselves at them every day. They have had almost every girl in school. Even Y/n.

Somehow She encounters in a conflict.

And an old fling that reappears.

So if you're interested, please check it out, it would mean a lot to me!

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