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- 3rd person -

He looked at her with irritation, did she really have to ruin the moment like that? A sigh came out of his mouth as he dragged her back down stairs. 

''I can't believe you just ruined our moment'' he told her, Y/n scoffed. ''What moment are you talking about? I can't think straight in this tight ass dress'' she complained and tried to pull her dress down, only for Taehyung to fix it again. She glared at him through the corner of her eyes and sat down on the couch, staring at her soft bare legs, that she shaved yesterday.

The two waited until the others also where into the living room, with a big suitcase, she glared at them. ''I hate dressing like this, you guys know this'' she spat at them and stood up.

While Y/n was being angry the seven boys just had dirty thoughts about her. Jimin smirked at the way her tail was swaying, knowing that she was mad, he walked to her, only to start petting her on the head. It's was like adding oil to a fire.

''Keep your fucking hands off of me, before i bite them off and show you my real hybrid side!'' she snarled at him, pushing him away. Y/n's glare disappeared when she noticed that Namjoon was losing his patience, but she didn't really care. ''Let's just fucking go'' The sentence came out of her mouth with a roll of her eyes, she really wasn't looking forward to going to some dirty ass club.

When they where standing outside, Hoseok pulled her towards his car with Yoongi and Jimin following. ''Y/n sit in the front'' he demanded as opened the door for her. She let out a noise of disagreement but sat down anyway. Hoseok put the seat buckle on her and quickly sat on the driver seat before driving away, in high speed.

She was staring outside, until a hand grabbed her thigh, squeezing it a little. Y/n's eyes shifted to it and grew annoyed. She shoved the hand away, but Hoseok placed it on the same spot again. ''Leave it there puppy, before i get impatient'' he told Y/n as his grip on her thigh got tighter, making her flinch a little. With a sigh she looked back outside, not looking forward to today at all.

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The first thing Y/n did when she left the van was wrap Yoongi's jacket tightly around herself, because he had forced her to wear it or otherwise he would drag her along to his solo missions. And that wasn't something that Y/n would like to do, when she remembered the last time.

''So.. What now?'' Taehyung asked as he pushed a few guns and knives into his pockets. ''Wait are you guys going to kill someone?!'' she asked her ears now laying flat on her head. Y/n hated the scent of blood and seeing it just made her want to puke. ''No we're shoving these thing in our pockets for fun, what do you think?'' Jin asked with a roll of his eyes. Y/n glared at him, her tail slightly swaying from side to side due to her anger. 

And i thought, i was the bitch here.

''If i wasn't in this uncomfortable dress i would shove my foot so far down your throat, to make sure that from now on, there will only be shit coming from your ass!'' She snarled at him, zipping Yoongi's jacket up when the cold air nipped at her bare legs. ''I hate this'' she whispered under her breath as she followed the boys, who where walking into an alleyway. 

Jungkook slowed down his pace so that he was next to her and put his arm around her waist. Y/n rolled her eyes in annoyance and tried to remove it, but his hand didn't even budge. ''Don't push my hand away, you know what happens if you do'' He said with a intimidating smirk, with a soft sigh, she nodded and just kept on walked further into the alleyway. What was it with these dudes and wanting to touch her today?

Jin opened a old looking door and held it open for them, Y/n stuck her heels in the ground, not wanting to go in there. ''Come on babygirl'' Jungkook chuckled, dragging her inside, Jin closed the door behind them after they entered it. 

Y/n's eyes grew bigger as she was now backstage of a club, that was known for having the most dangerous gangs in it. She walked deeper inside the still empty club, looking around. ''How do you like our club pretty?'' Jin asked when he stood next to her, she shrugged. ''It's just a club'' she said, but grew a little curious. What were they doing here? He seemed to notice the curious look on her face and chuckled.

''We're here to make a deal with a gang, but you are going to be our pretty puppy tonight'' Jin cooëd at the end, making Y/n cringe. 

''Can you stop that, you sound like a eighty year old virgin''

- That night -

The club was now packed with various gangs, Y/n was in the VIP lounge with the seven boys. ''Take my jacket off'' Yoongi whispered into her ear when he noticed that she was still wearing it. ''Fuck no'' Y/n spat back, only to have the jacket ripped away from her. ''Now sit on my lap'' he demanded with his raspy voice, she sighed at all of his demands, but sat on his lap anyway.

But not before digging her heel on his toes. Smirking when he hissed because of the pain.

Y/n sat down in Yoongi's lap, crossing her legs, watching over the club and noticed how all the gangs kept glancing her way. raspy chuckle left Taehyung's mouth, who was sitting next to them. ''They are staring at you beautiful'' he said lacing their hands together. She shrugged. ''I don't care, they should just keep their eyes to themselves'' she murmured annoyed, glaring at the people who kept on staring at her.

If you find me pretty like this, wait until you see me in sweatpants.

Suddenly a gang approached them and sat down across from them. They shook Namjoon's hand and looked at Y/n, licking their lips. ''That's fucking gross'' Y/n said with disgust, making them all amused. 

''Ahh, doggie got a mouth, how about you put it to good use '' one of the guys said trying to be funny, making the boys glare at them, but they didn't say anything. Y/n however clenched her jaw and stood up, looking the guy up and down with a sweet smile and sat down on his lap, leaning down to his ears, with her tail swaying a little as she traced his biceps.

''Then how about i bite your fucking dick off and shove it down your throat, so you choke on it?''

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