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- 3rd person -

''Your hybrid is adorable..'' Probably the leader of the group cooëd. 

''If you don't get that cat hybrid away from me I won't be'' Y/n snarled almost slapping Jungkook while trying to get out his lap. The boy tried his best to keep her in place, but her arms were slapping in every direction. ''Puppy, calm down, the remote remember'' Yoongi warned with a death glare making Y/n calm down a little bit, but she still continued. ''I like her more than ours'' someone of the group whispered to the leader. 

But since hybrids have really good hearing they could hear it loud and clear. The annoying cat glared at the other hybrid in the room.

''Come at me bitch!'' She yelled while ripping Y/n out of Jungkook's arms. 

The half-husky just stared at the girl who was starting to get mad and punched her in the throat. Making the girl stumble to the floor, with eyes wide open.

 ''Well I'm here now aren't I?'' The brunette stated with a smirk. The hair on her tail standing up, due to the adrenaline, as she watches the cat hybrid struggle to breathe.She walked to the couch and sat down again.

Jimin sat down next to the girl and put his arm around her, but she slapped it away. He showed her the remote and Y/n raised her middle finger.

The leader of the group picked up the hybrid and tossed her over his shoulder, making the husky hybrid chuckle. ''I'm sorry, she usually doesn't behave like this...'' He trailed off trying to keep a poker face, but she could see right through it. 

That cat was a bitch and he couldn't deny it. 

''It's quite alright Onew, Y/n should know better, she doesn't really listen to us'' Namjoon admitted giving the said girl, a harsh side glance. She just glared back trying not to jump on him and beat him up. ''Really from what i see, she really listens to you guys'' Key said and looked at Y/n who was enduring Jimin babying her but after about three seconds she slapped his hands off. ''Well it's getting better then'' Jin said. After the Shinee gang left they turned to the brunette.

She looked at them annoyed and confused. 

''What did I do this time?'' 

''Are you seriously asking this? You freaking attacked their hybrid!'' Namjoon grumbled and her tail was straight up in the air, she was alert. She stood up, right in front of him. ''She came at me! You stupid idiots should know that dogs and cats don't go together in whichever way possible'' she rolled her eyes before then she got a shock from the choker. 

All she did was just clench her teeth as she took the pain, before sending a chilling glare in their direction.

''You guys are fucking idiots. If you think you can keep me here you are very wrong soon i will be gone. One way or another'' Y/n spat at them running into the room that 'belonged' to her, locking the door in the progress. ''I would like to see you try'' Jimin yelled after her.

''Ohh, I will''

Y/n sat down on her bed and stared at the wood colored ceiling. ''I hate fucking everything and everyone'' She mumbled with an angry sigh, not that she didn't already. ''I could try to escape but... If they find me they will probably electrocute me to death or something. Fucking assholes'' Y/n murmured but then got a small smirk on her face. ''But when did that ever stop me'' 

She started thinking about a good plan for an escape. There was still one problem though.

''What am I gonna do about this fucking choker'' The girl murmured hoping to find something to open it with. ''Might as well try it with my nails'' She decided before using her nail to try to open it. When she heard a soft noise she smirked. 

 ''Yes bitch i did it!'' Y/n cheered, her tail wagging happily. She saw a window, walking towards it.

The window was probably locked. She let out a sigh of frustration. ''I can always just break the window..'' she said and grabbed a chair that was in the room. She ran to the window and threw the chair which luckily went right through it. ''What was that loud noise?!'' Hoseok shouted from outside her window. Y/n quickly climbed out the window and jumped down.

She ran into a random direction, not even looking at her surroundings she needed to get away from those dumb boys.

After she ran for about 30 minutes, she saw her own house. ''No I'm not going in there'' she murmured and ran into the woods. And climbed in a tree. As she sat on a branch she heard whispers underneath her. ''Why would a dog hybrid go into the woods. You idiot she isn't a cat?!'' she heard Yoongi say, Y/n made herself as small as possible, tried to not make any noise.

''Guys doesn't that tree look weird?'' Jin asked. Y/n inwardly groaned ''fuck you Jin'' She whispered. ''We could always let a cat roam around this area, she hates those'' Jungkook suggested.

Jin walked closer to the tree Y/n was in and inspected it. He squinted his eyes, Y/n quickly grabbed an acorn that was hanging in the tree and threw it at Jin's face. ''Why is that tree throwing acorns?'' Taehyung asked as he stood next to Jin and also looked at the tree in suspicion.

''Because it's fall bitch!'' Y/n yelled on top of her lungs and jumped on those two and then run off further in the woods with Jungkook hot on her tail. ''Why is this shithead so fast?'' Y/n asked herself annoyed as she kept running, but with Jungkook close behind.

The two where both still running until Y/n ran into something or rather someone...

Jungkook quickly grabbed Y/n by her sensitive ears making her growl at him. ''Let's go, puppy'' he spat harshly as he secured another choker around her neck and pulled her away by her ears, leaving the person Y/n crashed in look after them in confusion. ''Let go of my ear or I will bite your arm off'' Y/n said with a death stare.

But all Jungkook did was shrug and throw Y/n over his shoulder while she was squirming to get away, he slapped her harshly on the ass. ''That hurt asshole!'' she yelled while pounding on his back with her fist.

''Just admit you enjoy it''

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