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- 3rd person -

''Don't you dare to leave us..''

When those words left his mouth a tear rolled down his cheek. Y/n wasn't sure what to say. She tried to sit up but Yoongi pushed her down again. ''Don't move to much'' he said. Yoongi still had tears running down his face. Her throat felt very dry. ''D-Do the o-others kno-w?'' she asked, and Yoongi nodded. ''Yes, here drink some water'' he said handing her a glass, that she took a sip off.

She didn't know why but the tears started rolling down her cheeks again. ''Why did you do it?'' Yoongi asked as he wiped away her tears with his thumbs. ''I'm done, i don't want to live this way'' Y/n said with a broken sob. Yoongi felt his heart break as he looked at Y/n's state. ''You should have told us'' he said looking at her wounds. She turned to him with a glare. ''Yes because you guys where so help full!'' she said in a sarcastic tone but hissed when she felt a huge headache coming.

Yoongi looked at her worried. ''Are you okay?'' he asked. ''I'm fine, just a headache..'' Y/n murmured, she pulled her legs close the her. ''And i'm cold'' she continued, he nodded. ''I will get a blanket for you'' Yoongi said and walked out of the room.

While Yoongi was away, there was a soft knock on the door. ''Come in'' Y/n said and Jungkook ran to her and hugged her on the bed. ''Please don't leave me'' he said, Y/n didn't get it. She felt the shirt she was wearing getting wet. ''I don't know what to do without you'' Jungkook sobbed. She wanted to laugh at their behavior, but she couldn't. How did this effect them so much?

''You're freezing.. Are you sure you're alright?'' Jungkook said, he looked at her and a his eyes where also as red as Yoongi's. ''I mean i'm not dead'' Y/n said not sure how to answer the question. Because she wasn't okay. Her whole head was so full because of everything.

A soft chuckle left Jungkook's mouth. ''I'm glad you still haven't changed'' he said, he put her hair behind her ear. They where both just staring at each other, neither one of them saying anything.

The door opened again and Yoongi walked in with two blankets and medicine. ''Thanks'' Y/n said in a soft voice when Yoongi laid the blanket on her. ''Here take this'' he said and gave Y/n Advil that she swallowed with water. Jungkook looked at Yoongi, and his state was the same as his. ''Should we let the others come?'' he asked and Yoongi shook his head. ''She needs to rest, maybe when dinner is ready'' he said and Jungkook nodded. Y/n bit the inner of her cheek. She was so confused about everything right now. ''I want to be alone'' she said.

''No, Y/n right now you need to talk about what's in your head'' Jungkook said. ''I want to life my old life!'' Y/n screamed. ''I don't want to be here! I want to be alone again, where no one can bother me.. Where i can ignore everything'' she continued. ''Where it's just me, myself and i.. That's how i liked it'' she finished with a heavy breath. The two boys looked at Y/n with a frown.

She shook her head. ''I don't want be locked up in a cage or wear a choker. I don't want to be treated like a dog.. I want to be loved, by someone who really cares for me'' Y/n said and glared at them. ''We do care for you puppy'' Jungkook said trying to hold her hand, but she pulled it away. ''You have a special way of showing it then!'' she yelled at them.

And that's when all the boys came running in. ''Is everything alright?'' Jin asked, Y/n hands found their way into her hair. ''Of course not! I tried to kill myself and you think it's weird! You guys think you're so great. But the only thing you are is cruel!'' Y/n yelled at them. They flinched at her words.

''How are we cruel?'' Hoseok asked. Y/n felt her eyes getting bigger. ''You fucking treat me like a doll or a toy. And then when i really break down you pretend to care?! You guys had fucking electrocute me and you think that's fine? No it's fucking not!'' Y/n screamed on top of her lungs.

A pair of arms wrapped around her broken form. ''Taehyung let go'' Y/n said through clenched teeth. ''No! I can't lose you'' he said with a frown. ''Being dead would helped me get away from you'' she said as she pushed Taehyung away from her. ''But you also had to ruin that didn't you?'' she asked while looking at Yoongi.

Jimin stepped forward. ''Y/n we promise we'll love you and care for you how you want us to'' he said. ''Your promises mean nothing to me'' she said with a hoarse voice. ''You still don't get it do you?'' she asked and all seven of them shook their head. ''I'm not a fucking dog! I don't want your care. I don't want anything to do with you psychopaths anymore'' she said and glared at them. ''You belong with us'' Namjoon said. A dry laugh came from Y/n's mouth, and tears from frustration started building up.

''I don't, i belong to myself.. You guys ruined me! I don't know what's right and wrong no more'' she said with tears streaming over her cheeks. ''If i can't even die when i want to, what can i do..'' she murmured with a broken sob. ''Let us love you, let us show you the real us'' Jungkook begged. Y/n shook her head. ''It's way to late for that.. Don't you get it? I hate you guys with all of my guts. Do you think i could love you?'' she asked with a dry laugh.

Jin swallowed loudly. ''We can always try..'' He said Y/n rolled her eyes. ''I'm done Jin'' she said and looked Jin in the eyes. ''I don't want to do this anymore'' she said. ''Please let us prove ourselves, we won't do anything you're not comfortable with'' he said.

''Then you might as well be dead''

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