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Sorry that it took so long for a new chapter!

- 3rd person -

Arms throw themself around the hybrid. ''My puppy'' He whispers with, burying his head in her shoulder. The girl raises her eyebrow, ears pointed. ''You okay?'' She asks, already knowing the answer.

''Of course, I'm not okay you almost got yourself killed! Look how injured you are'' 

''It's just a bullet wound, take a chill pill''

Namjoon pulls out of her embrace, shooting her a look. ''Taehyung's ignorance is rubbing off on you. Stop hanging out with him'' He lectures as the woman crosses her arms. 

But before she could even say something, six other men scamper into the room. 

All glaring at Namjoon. 

Well, all besides Yoongi, who quickly went to the brunette engulfing her in a hug, as he continues to apologize. The girl's tail sways lightly, even though she was in a lot of pain, Yoongi's soft side will never fail to make her happy. ''It's okay Yoongles... Just never let me shoot at tires again'' She chuckles weakly, kissing him on the cheek. 

The other six were having a staredown with each other.  Everyone wants to be the next one to hold the injured girl. 

She shot them an annoyed glance. 

''So who's going to kill that frog kisser for hurting me?'' She questions, they all shrug. ''The man that shot you is already dead'' Jungkook mutters, sitting at the end of the bed that the hybrid was laying on. 

The brunette shook her head. ''No, I was talking about that Jiyong guy'' 

''No, he has too many gangs on his side''

Anger was rising inside of her. As soon as she recovers from this bullet wound, she would end that man, with her bare hands. Her gaze shifts to the floor, a scoff leaving her mouth. ''So you are all just a bunch of cowards? Okay...'' When her eyes shift around the room everyone avoids it. 

Namjoon who was trying to say something got interrupted by his phone. 

His face expression turned darker by the second, whatever it was that he was hearing. It was bad.

He shot a look at the other men, signaling them to follow him. ''Jimin, you have to watch Y/n'' Seokjin declares as quick footsteps run down the stairs. 

And before anyone even noticed, there were only two people left in the room. 

''I don't need a babysitter, I can look out for myself'' Y/n grumbles, staring at the man in front of her who had a mischievous grin on his face. 

''Ohh, so that's why you have been shot?'' 

Jimin chuckles before something hard collided with his body. His eyes widened in shock. 

''Did you just throw a lamp at me?'' 


The woman answers with a shrug. Her eyes had a spark in them as she hides her smile, watching as he starts to act like a reckless diva. His head shifts to the side, pretending to think. ''Well if it wasn't you, how could the lamp attack me like that?'' He asks squeezing his eyes a little. 

''It hates you? Or maybe gravity working horizontally?''

With a roll of his eyes, he sits down on the bed. ''You're a bit of a brat'' He laughs, putting the lamp back on its place. ''I'm bored, where did they even go?'' She asks, Jimin's eyes shift away from hers. 

It felt as if her eyes were burning holes in him. ''I promised Namjoon, that I wouldn't tell you''  He mumbles, a sigh left her mouth. ''Of course, you did'' She rolls her eyes, before clearing her throat. 

''Can you give me a bottle of water, I have to prepare for my rant'' 

With a nod, Jimin hands it to her, already regretting it when she took a deep breath. 

''How can I trust you guys if you're never fully honest with me? I can handle it if that's what you're worried about. But I don't get why you all feel the need to act so secretively'' She starts, shooting Jimin a look when he tried to open his mouth.

Which made him quickly close it again.  

''And don't think that I haven't noticed you're whispering whenever I'm not around. I'm part dog, I have better scent and hearing than you all. So your whispering is like yelling to me. I get that some things don't include me, but I know this does'' She ends, looking him straight in the eyes, making her point very clear. 

The man sitting next to her laying form clears his throat. ''We all agreed that we will tell when they are back. Everything'' 

Y/n nods, hoping that her words knocked some sense into him. ''Good''

Jimin starts to lean close to her. Smirking at her confused stare. His fingers found their way underneath her chin, pushing it up. 

Their eyes lock as their lips meet one another. 

He places his arm carefully on her hips, making sure it doesn't touch the bullet wound. He deepens the kiss when hands tugged on his hair. A soft sound leaving his mouth. His tongue traces her bottom lip, asking for entrance, which he was granted. 

Their tongues fighting for dominance, Y/n smirks as she bites his lip before pulling away. 

Jimin grins, putting an arm around her as he laid down facing her. ''You play dirty'' He states playfully, Y/n raises her eyebrow. ''I do? since when?'' She asks, sarcasm clear in her voice. Her tail was wagging when he kisses her on top of the head. 

''So you like that?'' He chuckles, doing it once again, laughing when he saw her tail wag. ''That's not fair, I don't have control over my tail!'' She whines, glaring at her tail, that was now lowering. 

''It's cute don't worry'' 

''Ohh, I know it's cute'' She states. ''But sometimes it's like that little brother or sister who tells everyone your secrets'' 

She faces him with a small smile. ''But as long as you reveal your secrets, I will reveal mine'' Y/n declares.

''I promise'' He answered, she chuckles kissing him on the lips before pulling away. 

''You better'' 

''Because, I will castrate you if you don't''

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