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- 3rd person -

The two where now sitting in the Mcdonalds and Y/n was enjoying her chicken nuggets, with her tail wagging a little. ''How can chicken nuggets make you so happy?'' Taehyung asked amused, while he was shoving some fries into his mouth. she shrugged. ''Because they just do, why do you like killing people?'' she fired back, crossing her arms over each other.

He gave her a warning glare as people walked passed them. 

'' Uhh... I play games! She's talking about video games, obviously" He said with a nervous chuckle as a older woman looked at the two, horrified.

He returned his attention back on the husky hybrid after the woman left.

''Because instead of eating away my problems i get rid off them, so they can't bother me anymore'' Taehyung explained with a big grin, which made Y/n back away from him a little.

''Okay... That's one way to look at it''

He grabbed her hand in his and kissed the back of it. ''Thank you for coming with me today'' he said smiling and went back to eating.

When they had finished their food they went back to his car. ''You probably shouldn't tell Jin that chicken nuggets were the first thing that you ate today'' Taehyung told her as he started driving back home. Y/n nodded, agreeing with him for once.

''What he doesn't know can't hurt him'' she stated, looking out of the windows, her ears standing straight on her head when she smelled something familiar, but she couldn't put her finger on it. She sniffed again but the scent was gone.

With a sigh Y/n tried to identify the smell, but she just couldn't.

Probably the scent of my lost hope and dreams.
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After Taehyung opened the door she walked in, only to be tackled by Hoseok. ''What the fuck?'' she murmured confused as she was now laying on the ground with him on top of her. He smirked down at her, before getting off of her.

''Dude, why did you tackle me'' Y/n said annoyed as she got up from the ground. He shrugged and pulled her into the living room. ''Because i'm about to make you a very happy puppy'' Hoseok told and also pulled Taehyung with them, who was attempting to sneak off.

Does he have more chicken nuggets?

He made her sit down on the couch and called all the others downstairs. ''So Namjoon, we have another mission'' Hoseok said, he was the one who was in charge of the missions and when they would be taking place. ''What kind off mission is it?'' Namjoon asked with a arched eyebrow, with the boys nodding along to his words. Y/n was just staring at Hoseok, her ears giving away that she was curious.

''For this mission we need to go to a girl gang, Blackpink to be specific'' He said and started to laugh when he saw how Y/n's tail started to wag.

Even if Y/n tried to deny it, she missed the bunny girl, who was always so happy and shy around her. She coughed and stopped wagging with her tail and sat straight. ''When are we going?'' she asked and couldn't hide the grin on her face anymore. Jungkook looked at her in disbelieve. ''You seem very happy'' he said and poked the inside of his cheek with his tongue, showing her that he was jealous. Y/n rolled her eyes.

''But why do we have to go there?'' Yoongi asked as he was glaring a little as well.

One thing was for sure, these seven boys where very possesive over Y/n. And they did not like the fact that she was so happy to see Lisa again, but they had to go there to discuss things. ''We better not be there for long'' Jin said with a pout as he noticed how her mood got better after Hoseok told her the news. ''I can't risk having the other three liking her as well'' he murmured with the jealousy laced in his voice. ''Anyway.. We're leaving in about an hour, it's going to be a long car ride'' Hoseok said as he cleared his throat, to catch their attention.

- - - - - -

''Can you please move!'' Y/n snarled in annoyance as she was squished between Jungkook and Yoongi in the car. ''Well if you didn't break our van, we would have been able to sit comfortably!'' The words left Yoongi's mouth with a scoff.

In the mean time Jungkook had wrapped his arms around her waist with his arm just above her butt and was enjoying this very much.

''Bitch, i had my reasons to do that!'' Y/n spat back a little offended that he called her out like that. The two boys snorted. ''No you didn't'' Jungkook stated joining the conversation.

With a glare she looked at him. ''Who asked you, disfunctional coconut?'' she asked with a arched eyebrow.

While the these three where arguing the remaining five where listening in amusement. ''Well what's the reason that you broke our car then? I mean you're still with us right now'' Yoongi challenged, Y/n looked him up and down.

''Do you really want to go there... Okay'' she started pissed that he was challenging her. 

''I broke your cheap ass van, because you crazy asses where keeping me against my will, i don't appreciate that shit. Especially if you treat me like a fucking dog. Also don't try to be so tough, we both know you cried your eyes out because you where afraid of losing me and that you are actually a softy with a gun that you can't even use properly'' she spat at him, feeling very satisfied with herself.

Yoongi watched her with his mouth open. ''That's right, don't attack the fire nation if you're not ready to get burned'' 

She stated with a smirk and leaned back in her seat. There was a sudden silence in the car until Yoongi fished his gun out of his pocket and held it against Y/n's head, with his finger on the trigger.

The atmosphere turned tense and the six remaining men where glaring at Yoongi. ''You want to repeat what you just said?'' he asked with a bitter chuckle, while Y/n's expression remained neutral.

''Go ahead shoot'' she said looking him in the eyes, he glared at her. ''I dare you'' she egged on, but before Yoongi could even do something Namjoon snatched the gun away. ''If you two keep bickering like this i will force you to clean everything in the house'' he scolded, Y/n rolled her eyes.

''You're only saying that so you don't have to clean all the shit that you break'' she stated, her arms crossed over each other. ''Ohh, burn!'' Jin said while laughing.

Namjoon gave a side glare to Jin. "it's your fault that she is like this..."

The car stopped, Hoseok turned back to them. ''We're here let's go'' he announced and got out of the car, followed by the others. In front of them was a big pink house.

''It's like, hurting my eyes'' Y/n mumbled with a cringe, they all nodded except for Jin.

''Hell no, this is my future house''

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