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- 3rd person -

The girl looked through her clothes in the closet, trying to find a nice outfit for today. 

She lives alone, well it's not like she could live with somebody else. The brunette didn't have any contact with her family, and friends usually didn't last that long in her world. They usually used her. She felt her ears and tail twitch as she thought about her old friends.

''This might work...''

 As she finally pulled out an outfit that suited her taste. After she had pulled on the skinny jeans, the girl made sure that her fluffy tail was through the hole in her jeans. She gazed into the mirror and admired her black ears and fluffy tail, and her big, light green eyes. 

The husky hybrid never hated being a hybrid because she was one since birth. So she was used to being different. Not that is was always fun.

She made herself a sandwich, thinking about what she should do today. ''Maybe I should go on a walk?'' The girl asked herself as she ate her sandwich. ''I could go to the mall, just to look around or something''

The bell rang, she walked to the door confused.

''Why would someone ring my doorbell? I don't even know anyone...''

She opened the door but greeted with an empty doorstep. The girl shrugged walking back in the house to grab her bag with the essential things in it. She went outside, into the direction of the mall. 

On the way there the brunette felt as if she was being watched, she looked around her but saw nothing. ''That's weird''

- At the mall -

Heads turned as Y/n walked through the mall looking for interesting things, but the girls didn't even notice that. 

The only thing she noticed is that she was bored as hell.

 ''What a waste of time... I'm going home, to watch Netflix'' 

She was about a block away from her house, until some guy came walking towards her. ''Hey baby what's your sign?'' He tried to act seductive, keyword tried. The brunette rolled her eyes at his pathetic attempt for a pick-up line. ''Do not enter'' Y/n snarled. 

The weird thing is, she got a lot of attention but not because she is a hybrid. People told her that she has some sort of charm that attracts a lot of people.

As Y/n walked home she kept hearing footsteps behind her. ''I swear to god if there is someone behind me, I will punch you in the nose without hesitation'' The girl threatened as she turned around but saw no one her fluffy black tail lowered between her legs since her gut conscience is always right.

''Fuck you imagination'' She mumbled continuing her way home. She opened her door and heard something loud upstairs. 

''No fuck that'' Y/n said before walking back outside. ''I'm not going to die today'' she said as she ran the in the opposite direction. 

Until she collided with something. ''How did I fucking run into a wall'' she murmured while facepalming. ''Why do you talk to yourself. Ohh, I already know you don't have any friends, weird dog girl'' Someone behind her said. Y/n turned around and saw a girl in front of her.

 ''What are you supposed to be? A disappointment?''

The girl looked at Y/n flabbergasted. She felt proud of her comeback until the girl remembered why she was running away and then she started running again. 

She ran around the corner but before she could someone had managed to grab her, starting to drag her in an alleyway. ''Bitch don't drag me!'' The hybrid yelled annoyed, but the boy just ignored her and kept dragging her.

When they arrived in the alleyway Y/n finally pushed the boy off of her. ''Asshole these are some of my favorite clothes'' she said annoyed, glaring at him as he stood in front of her. Her tail started twitching due to her anger. 

And once again the boy didn't say anything but he came closer to the hybrid who had already clenched fists. ''You better back off before I kick you in the nose'' Y/n threatened, the guy chuckled and grabbed Y/n's hair and pulled her towards the van. ''Let go of my fucking hair'' The brunette grumled and yelled in pain when he pulled her ears that were very sensitive. And because of that didn't notice that she was about to be pushed in a van.

''Alright'' the guy said with an evil grin as he pushed her inside of the van where she was immediately tied up by three other boys. Y/n tried to scratch the boys with her sharp nails but it didn't work, they seemed unfazed.

Y/n looked at the seven guys in confusion. ''Why are you taking me, out of all the people can choose, you can even kidnap a rich bitch or something like that'' She noted and the boys looked at her with amusement. ''Because you're worth a lot'' A boy with bunny teeth answered. ''Are you sure because there are more hybrids than there used to be'' The girl stated while staring at the guy, who just nodded, a guy came towards her and put some tape on her mouth. 

''She's fucking loud'' he said annoyed, the hybrid raised her tied hands and showed her middle finger to the guy, knowing that if she talked they wouldn't understand it. ''Yeah you too, I'm going to sleep'' The guy groaned before the van drove off.

While the seven guys were discussing things. She tried to search for something to cut the rope with since she couldn't reach with her nails. Y/n somehow managed to get a screwdriver and tried to weaken the rope with that. After a while, she could almost break the rope from her arms. ''What is the puppy doing?!'' One of them asked with anger laced in his voice. And that's when the muscle rabbit snatched it away from the girl, ripping the tape from her mouth in the progress. Making her moan in pain. 

''Fucking asshole''

The guy just laughed at her and tied new rope around her arms. ''You're gonna be a fun pet'' he said with a smirk. ''Can you stop talking shit already'' Y/n spat. Suddenly the van stopped driving, everyone stepped out of the van and left her in there.

She noticed a few bags full of her clothes, and another bag full of chokers, in different patterns and colors. ''Sure they are pretty... But I ain't wearing them'' she murmured, the back of the van opened and two guys stood there. ''You ready puppy?'' One boy asked and carried her inside, Y/n cringed. ''Just Y/n is fine and no put me the fuck down!'' She yelled.

After the last guy who had all the bags locked the front door, the guy who carried her put her on the couch still tied up. ''So Y/n, do you know who we are?'' He asked the girl gazed at the seven guys, still not knowing how she should know them. But just seeing them made Y/n's tail lower, but she knew she had to be brave. 

''Should I?''

''We are known as the gang Bts'' One boy stated. The brunette's eyes grew bigger than they already were, they all introduced themselves and looked at Y/n with a smirk or grin. ''Why am I here?'' She asked while folding her arms over each other, still trying not to sound a little scared. ''You belong to us now'' Namjoon grinned, but this made the hybrid angry. ''I don't belong to anybody''' Y/n gritted her teeth, looking at them with a harsh glare. 

And in front of her stood Taehyung with a black choker in his hand. ''You can shove those up your ass. Because I'm not wearing them'' She growled when he started walking towards her. 

He managed to put the choker around her neck before walking back to the others, and Jin untied her.

Y/n ran towards the door but before she could even reach the doorknob she got an electric shock from the choker which made her fall down, her ears and tail twitching. Hoseok walked towards the hybrid, he had a remote in his hands. He had a smile on display but his eyes didn't look so happy.

''You see puppy, every time you disobey us or try to run away you get a shock from your cute chokers''  

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