Winter Wonder surprises over a Cocoa

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Steph breathed in the cold Gotham air. Sure it was nothing special, there was a tang of salt due to the ocean, and there was a whole normally terrible smell that only faded in two ways, rain washing away the trash smell, or the snow chill covering it. The sharp chill to the air today made the air feel cleaner, and Steph could not help but get out and enjoy the pretty white scene that could make even Gotham mistaken for a winter wonderland before the snow turned to mush and reality came back. Even though the cold bothered her little as she went to the library to catch Babs and Cass, for some bat stuff. She was taking the long way because it was cold and she planned to duck into a nice little coffee to get something to warm up a little on the walk. She beamed when she stepped inside and warmth covered her as the bell jingled and the door shut behind her. Coffee and chocolate filled the air as she breathed in and she scanned the board of options when she heard a laugh and she turned to see what was happening only to freeze up. She stared at the person clearly Damian, sharing a table with someone, and he seemed to be enjoying himself. Or at the least, he wasn't scowling or looking like he was going to use the stirring stick as a blade to kill the female. Steph was brought out of her thoughts with a person moving past her to the door. She shot them a smile as she moved to let them pass and placed her order for cocoa. She stood waiting and considering when she saw Damian's eyes flicker to her, and she knew her appearance would annoy him.

Well as an unofficial older sister, she had to see who this was, right? She gave a bright smile and headed over.

"Damian! I didn't expect to see you here!" She gave a smile as he settled with a scowl aimed at her while his...companion turned around. "Hi, I'm Steph. Friend of the family." She gave a grin. The girl returned her smile.


"Brown, what are you doing here?"

"Just stopped for a warm drink, nothing more." She held her hands in defense. Marinette snorted.

"We've already caught 2 brothers spying on us. Damian is just being a bit overprotective." Marinette responded. Steph frowned.

"Why are they spying?"

"Because they think they have privy to every moment of my life." Damian drolled. Marinette rolled her eyes.

"I think I would have been insulted if they hadn't shown some interest. Didn't you get dragged along years ago to spy on one of your brother's dates?"

"With Brown and Grayson. Hence my suspicions."

"Wait. You are on a date?" Steph asked.

"I'd hope so seeing as we're dating." Marinette smiled, Steph's jaw dropped.

"Yeah, no what? When did that happen?" Steph looked at Damian before focusing on Marinette. "No wait, how did you meet, what do you like to do? How did you get together?" Damian groaned while Marinette laughed.

"Cocoa for Stephanie?" Steph turned and got her drink and turned with a grin to hear the bell jingled and saw the pair with Damian pulling Marinette along while the girl laughed and hurried to walk in step with him. She knew Damian would make his own escape. She also had places to be herself.

Babs and Cass were going to find this to be interesting, she was sure.


This is not My Story.

Creator of the Story :

@madness grows more madness

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