An Angel and her Demon

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(I tried to find their Masterpost/ Masterlist but they didn't have any.
So there's nothing here.)


A demon

Came into a pit of humans

Corrupting them

Turning them into her little slaves

The only one who was immune

Was an angel donned in blue

The angel was so tired

Tired of the lies

Of dealing with her partner

Who used to be an angel too

Yet fell fell fell

Every night she worked

To protect the city

And be their guardian angel

Only to be slandered and shamed

During the waking day

Not a single ally did she have

Save for the god who gave her her power

She suffered in silence for so many years

In this pit of demons

Until one day those demons got to play

They went to another city

One known for lies and crime

Surely they would flourish, the angel thought

Only they did not

In the city of sin

The angel met a demon

Trying so hard to be noble like his kin

The demon saw this angel

And was immediately in awe

For he had never seen a being such as her

So kind and loving

She smiled at all

He could not see a single flaw

The demon immediately rose in love for this beautiful angel

He could never love another after seeing her

However this demon was wearing a disguise

So the angel would not know the true him

And the demon decided that this simply could not do

So he took off his mask

Shed his armor and cape

Removed all but a few of his weapons

And left his cave

He would find the angel again

This time as his true self

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