A Kidnapping Date

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"This is the third time this week you've been kidnapped Mr. Wayne. I'm starting to think you commission these guys just so I can save you."

"I told you a million times woman, Mr. Wayne is my father. Stop addressing me as if I were some aristocrat with a stick up my ass."

Her giggle sounded hysterical to him as she leaped off her victim leaving him to fall into an unconscious pile on the ground. Watching her toy with each of the thugs like this was some kind of game for her, Damian couldn't help but be impressed. When Ladybird first showed up in Gotham City six months ago, his father had put it up to vote as to whether they should act on her existence or allow her to run free with a warning.

Clearly, they had made the wrong decision.

"So Prince Damian, when are you going to ask me out?"

"Excuse me?" The heat that rose to Damian's face was instantaneous. Ladybird was always forward, but this was a first. "Prince isn't much better than Mr. Wayne."

A sickening snap came from behind him as the thug let out a cry before a thud indicated that he had passed out. Two leather-clad hands gently snaked their way down his shoulders sending a shiver through his body. Normally, he would have pushed away from the advances of women like her, but at the moment his hands were tied, quite literally.

"Hmm, this is genuine silk huh? You really did dress to impress my prince." Her lips brushed his ear as her whispers tickled his skin. "This is quite an expensive suit, do you always roam Gotham City dressed as such, or was tonight in hopes of seeing me?"

Her hands slowly traveled further down his chest resting on his abdomen as she draped her chin over his shoulder. The baby hairs that strayed from her bun mocked his self-restraint as he did everything he could not to lean over and lay his cheek on them. Damian was positive she could feel his heart racing no matter how much he begged it to stop.

"Say, what if I give you my number pretty boy?" Her hands began to travel again stopping just above his belt. He wanted to push her off, but some part of him stayed complacent as his quickening heart felt like it would explode with one more inch. "Of course, it would have to be my work phone, I'm not quite sure you could handle my alter ego."

"Didn't you finish your job? Just untie me and leave woman." Damian couldn't control the crack in his voice and any hope she hadn't noticed vanished as the melodic sound of her laughter echoed.

"If that's what you wish my Prince. Besides, I know Batsy is sitting in the shadows ready to rush in and return you to your father."

Damian stiffened immediately as he tried to stare into the darkest corner of the room for his father's silhouette. That bastard knew Ladybird was playing with him and decided to watch the show. He hoped his father had made his peace with whatever afterlife he believed in.

His wrists began to loosen as the soft thump of the ropes hit the floor. As he stood, Damian turned to thank her only to be met with soft lips on his. The contact couldn't have been for more than a second but it startled him. Quickly he took a step backward tripping over his own feet and landing on his butt.

"Ciao, I'll see you at your next kidnapping mon amour!" His eyes traveled to the glass roof where she stood sending him another kiss from above before she disappeared.

With a single finger, Damian delicately traced over his lips. She had really kissed him. He had his first kiss sto-

"Woah ho ho, Ladybird totally just stole your first kiss!"

Damian felt his entire face flush as he swung behind him making contact with Jason's gut.

"Did she taste like strawberries? I bet she did. She looks like the kind of girl who uses flavored chapstick."

Dick was smarter as he stood at an arm's length away from Damian's blind swinging.

"Damian, if your girlfriend keeps interrupting these kidnappings, we'll never get the information we're looking for."

"She's not my girlfriend Drake!"

Damian reclined until his back his the ground. Instantly, three faces loomed over him, each wearing the same smug expression.

"What do you think Brucey? Can't we just let her in on the mission so she'll stop saving our 'damsel' here?"

"Not yet Jason. How else do you think Damian will get experience with talking with the opposite sex? If I expect to see him married one day, he'll need to continue these dates."

Damian let out an involuntary groan as their laughter billowed around him. Covering his eyes with his arm, he allowed them a few more moments of joking around. Besides, it wasn't like he could hear a word.

His mind was miles away running with the thought of stealing the next kiss from her.


This is not My Story.

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