Hogwarts AU - (Part 4)

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(I tried to find their Masterpost/ Masterlist but they didn't have any.
So there's nothing here.)


Marinette gathered her art supplies - careful to roll up the paper - and made her way back to the castle just as the sun dipped below the horizon. Before she could round the corner back to the Slytherin dorms, a muffled sniffling noise made her pause. She spotted a small pair of shoes and the ends of a dark maroon scarf peeking from behind a pillar.

Her footsteps softened as she approached them, and her heart ached when she saw a pitiful little sight. A Gryffindor boy (a First Year most likely, considering how small he was) clutched some broken quills and a bent pair of eyeglasses. He furiously wiped at his eyes when he saw Marinette peer down at him, his gaze a mixture of embarrassment and apprehension.

"It's alright, I'm not here to hurt you," she hushed. Marinette bent down to his eye-level and offered him a smile. "Can I fix this for you?"

The boy peered at her green scarf and emerald tie suspiciously, but gave her his broken possessions anyways.

"I'll make this quick: Reparo." A slight breeze spun around them, leaving behind a fresh set of quills and perfectly aligned glasses. Marinette wiped the lenses using the ends of her sweater and prodded him for answers. "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to, but I'm only trying to help. Who did this?"

"S-some...some Ravenclaws," the boy said. A fresh set of tears spilled across his cheek as he recalled the story. "They'd been bothering me all week after one of their dads got in trouble at his work because of mine, so they've been taking it out on me. Th-they cornered me after dinner a-and...and pushed me down. Called me names...said how they're gonna get me one day."

Marinette nearly dropped the boy's glasses. She was furious.

Her tone deathly quiet, she remarked, "For a house that values intelligence, they were incredibly stupid for bullying a defenseless student. And for what? To try and feel powerful?"

She shook her head in disgust, her frown deeply etched on her face. Inside of her stomach, pure anger boiled because of the injustice and the thought of her own experience being bullied. Marinette cupped the back of the boy's shoulder and looked deeply into his eyes. "The next time anyone acts like that to you, I want you to come find me - I'll show them what real anger looks like."

As Marinette brought him to his feet, he looked at her with an equal balance of awe and amazement. A Slytherin of all people was protecting him. And she was so nice about it too, and -

"My name is Marinette, by the way. Marinette Dupain-Cheng."

"I'm Jonathan. Jonathan Kent." He returned her smile and fell into step beside her.

After they disappeared into an adjacent corridor, a tiny man - even smaller than Jonathan - stepped out from the shadows. He sighed, disappointed in a select few students from Ravenclaw; he had his suspicions as to who had caused young Jonathan to become so distraught, and would be having words with them later.

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