Meet the pets

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Marinette bounced on her toes as she stood outside Gotham Academy, her exchange school for a semester. She had been staying with the Kent family and as such had struck up a friendly acquaintance with Jon's best friend Damian. And finally today, she was going to meet Damian's various pets. She was sure that the photos wouldn't have done them justice. She bounced in place next to Jon at the door. Apparently, there was a family emergency that required Clark and Lois to race off and Bruce, Damian's father had stepped in to look after them until a later date. And Marinette would be using this to her best opportunity. The man opened the door and they brought their bags in when she spotted Damian on the staircase.

"Damian! Hi! Where's Titus? And Ace. And Alfred the cat? I want to meet them!" Damian's normal scowl barely lightened. Barely. But he ushered them along, telling Jon they would be rooming and she was in the room across the hall from them. Marinette had beamed brightly at that and grinned from the doorway to Damian's room to see a dog and a cat.

"That's Titus, right? He looks so big."

"Great Danes are big dogs. Father got him for me." Marinette nodded before looking at the cat.

"Alfred the cat looks well pampered."

"Tt. They are both highly intelligent." Marinette nodded again. "Are you not going to pet them?"

"Oh I would love to, but Alfred's sleeping, and I was just taking in their looks. You know, satin replicates the shine of the fur, but I don't think it captures the color of light changing well. I'm sorry, but I think I'll go settle in."

"Wait until you meet Jerry and Batcow." Jon piped up.


"Damian's newly acquired Turkey and his cow."


"You have a cow?!" Marinette started, "rich people are so eccentric, a cow..."

"Batcow is a formidable companion who I saved from a slaughterhouse!"

"Right, sorry, how did you convince your dad to let you have these pets?" Marinette asked.

"He accepted it," Damian answered. Marinette gave him a smile.

"Can I pet Titus please?"

"Titus. Heel." The dog stood up and sat in front of the two. Marinette held her hand out and after a sniff pet his head and rubbed an ear.

"You were right. He is highly intelligent. Thank you, Damian. I hope our stay here will be nice."

"I think it will be adequate." She pressed a kiss to Titus's head and moved to go settle herself, giving a hum and a skip. Damian looked at Titus who merely wagged his tail and looked to his master. Damian could tell his pet approved of Marinette. He wasn't sure how to take that yet.


This is not My Story.

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@madness grows more madness

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