Clumsy Muscle Strains

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Marinette was back in Gotham. It has been 2 years since she last saw the American city, though Damian would come across to visit her. She felt guilty about it but she really did not want to leave Paris too much. Dealing with Hawkmoth and the Akuma was important.

But now, she had dealt with it. The butterfly miraculously was back with Fu, and she was due for a small holiday.

Even more so to see her boyfriend.

She had, in fact, decided upon surprising him and had not told him about coming to Gotham. She had told Bruce and Alfred, as they were the adults whose care she would be in while here for her visit, but other than that everyone else was in the dark about her coming. She in fact was hoping that Alfred would have been able to pick her up from the airport, but there had been delays in traffic, causing her to try and take the train and a couple of buses.

She managed to get closer before she was pulling her bag through the dark streets wary about every shadow. She knew what could happen in Gotham. She wasn't stupid.

So when she felt someone breathe in her ear, and grab her shoulder, she trusted her instincts and muscle memory.

She grabbed the wrist and thumb, yanking them both off her and forward while she slammed her leg and hip back into them.

The guy, a lot bigger than her, was thrown on the ground quickly and she turned to see for other attackers. She grabbed her bag that was decent in size and as she swung it around to hit them (so glad for the reenforced handles and lining) knocking others unconscious before turning and running. She looked through the streets as she did, hoping to see someone who could help her. Blood roared through her veins, her eyes darting around her surroundings constantly. She stopped under a street light to figure out her surroundings and catch her breath. Where was she, what way should she go. She barely started to calm down before she felt the shadow on her, footsteps light on the ground. She swung her fist around, hitting the black fabric on the side of the head. She swung the bag high, using her momentum, which was blocked by her assailant. She abandoned the bag and she grabbed the arm coming for her on the other side. She turned and pulled the arm forward, repeating the body flip over the shoulder, having the man fall to the ground hard. The cape covered his head. Wait, cape?! Marinette quickly pulled it off and stared in horror at the man grunting in pain on the ground. Oh no, no, no, please let her not have.

Oh, kwamis.

She had done.

She had thrown the dark knight over her shoulder.

Now she was going to be labeled as a person of danger, and forced to leave Gotham and would never see Damian again who in disgust would break up with her. This was a disaster!

"I'm so sorry!!" She wailed as she helped him up. Batman had grunted. "I just got away from some thugs, I thought you were one of them or another and I freaked out and I'm sorry, please don't get me deported!" Batman blinked at the girl as she pulled him up. He could hear the group asking questions about what had happened. He turned the comm off before addressing Marinette.

"It's okay miss. I am glad you are able to defend yourself at least. Why are you out so late? It's dangerous." Marinette explained and he gave a nod before contacting Alfred to come to get her.

Once Alfred arrived, he left to go deal with the guys Marinette had mentioned. He contacted Red Robin to come to help him as he was closest. The two found a trio and Red Robin found a camera on the other side of the street that had a view so Batman directed him to get the footage for the police to use and for them to add to their file.

Later when the group of vigilantes was home, they were surprised by the appearance of Marinette who had raced to hug Damian upon sight. She had a bright smile and talked delightedly of Alfred showing her the nightlife scene that was pretty and asked Damian to take her along to see them again.

"How did you get here?" Jason asked interrupting the two.

"I got here by plane. I wanted to surprise Damian and you guys. Bruce and Alfred knew in advance. I had to take the train due to the traffic jam though. Then a couple of buses. And it was still a long walk, Alfred coming and getting me was really helpful, and Batman came by and watched while I was waiting." Marinette refrained from mentioning the incident of Batman's arrival and the one before he showed up. Jason did not need more ammunition to tease her with and Dick would pull her from Damian's side just to check her over, and she was quite alright where she was. Snuggled into Damian with his arms around her. She didn't have an injury. Except her arm muscles really had not liked her throwing two guys into the ground so quickly without the super suit. She hoped that it would heal quickly. Or at least before Dick would really be able to notice.

Unfortunately, though she did not know it, her hope for the knowledge of the night to stay quiet did not happen, as Tim proceeded to watch the footage that night. To put together stuff for police, and make sure they had the right guys. Needless to say, he ended up spit taking his coffee over the computer.

He called his brothers down to watch it, and as they did, they got to see a tiny little person take on three guys, all a lot bigger than her. And found out it was Marinette.

Damian was frozen with a small prideful smile and glow in his eyes, Jason's slack jaw and wide eyes look of shock expressed everything, and Dick looked panicked.

"Why didn't she tell us? This is not okay, she should have said something. Do you think she was hurt? That must have caused some pain."

"Wait, didn't she say she saw Bruce? Tim, can you pull up other footage?" Tim nodded and then lined up the camera on which there was Marinette and Batman after her escape. Jason burst into laughter with Marinette flipping him as Tim grinned again.

"That is precious. Oh, you know that is perfect." Jason wiped a tear away.

"And she got out without a scratch on her. That is so nuts." Dick commented. The younger two stayed silent.

"I'm totally teasing Bruce about Damian's girlfriend flipping him for a month at least. Not many can do that." Jason grinned finished laughing.

"Well, we now know the brat's girlfriend is totally able to handle herself. How is her bag still in one piece?" Dick commented.

"Wait, this changes everything," Tim said. "She is not a cinnamon roll that looks like a cinnamon roll. Or is she? " The other three look at each other.

"We need to test this. I want to spar her." Jason announced.

"No, you don't! Leave my angel alone, she can look after herself a little, that means you lot can back off on protecting her!" Damian yelled at them.

He was fully ignored.

Marinette had to wonder about the strange looks sent her way and the asks to spar Jason, over the next few days. It was out of character for them, but they at least seemed less likely to handle her like she was fragile glass. Damian continued to scowl, but that at least was normal.

Except for Dick. He seemed even more concerned and looked over her for injuries. She was happy when her shoulder was back to normal.


This is not My Story.

Creator of the Story :

@madness grows more madness

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