Dame Chanceuse Couture AU - (The City of Angels)

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Mari wants to go to the beach and since Gotham is extremely toxic and does not have a single ray of sunshine anywhere in the city parameters, she asks Kaakli if he can take her to LA for a beach day. He of course agrees because he knows that the beaches nearby to where they live are not the safest places to go swimming.

Mari already has a bag ready, filled with everything she could possibly need for her trip as well as the miraculous box because she is not leaving that behind for such an extended period of time, no matter what anyone says. So the Kwamis and Mari step through Kaakli's portal and find themselves on the sunny beaches of Los Angeles.

Mari is grinning and the Kwamis are happy that their girl is happy so they retreat into the confines of her bag. She sets up her blanket and beach umbrella on the shore and takes out her sketchbook to doodle some basic designs and even some of the scenes around her. She stays like that for about a couple of hours sunbathing and sketching, before the Kwami's manage to convince her to go for a short swim near the shore. She meets a nice little girl named Trixie and the two of them talked for a little while.

After swimming, she takes a quick trip back home to shower and change into more out-on-the-town wear, which is a light grey off-shoulder long-sleeved dress with a pastel pink lace back and deep V-neck also covered by the same pink lace. She also wore black flats and had a small gold chained pink purse, her hair curled like she wore when she performs at the Iceberg Lounge but doesn't cover her eye like that. By the time she gets back to LA, it's nearly sunset and she goes to the boardwalk to watch the sunset. She takes a couple of pictures then wanders into the actual city. She remembers that one of her clients, Lucifer, owns a club in the city and decides to pop by and see what kind of place it is and just catch up with possibly one of her more eccentric friends.

This turns out to be a great but confusion-inducing decision. The club is closed at the time she arrives, which is understandable as it is 6 pm on a Monday but Mari can't help feeling a little disappointed. That is until she hears a very loud and enthusiastic shout from behind her. She turns around with a grin on her face, immediately recognizing Lucifer and Maze as the former climbs out of a beautiful vintage car and the latter quite literally jumps out with a fond smile. Mari finds herself hugging both of them moments later and exchanging enthusiastic greets.

When asked why she is in LA, she says she wanted a small little vacation for herself, only a day and a half long, this seemed a little strange to all parties but an accepted answer nonetheless. Lucifer was a little - over dramatically - offended that she hadn't called ahead and told him she was coming so he and Maz could show her around the city. Mari told them that it was a spontaneous decision - which it truly was. Nowadays it was hard to tell when she had the will and time to go out and do things just for the heck of it.

The three of them are too busy chatting - in the middle of the damn street nonetheless - to notice Amenadial approach them with slight apprehension and worry. He was coming to talk to Lucifer about an extremely powerful being that appeared in LA that morning, disappeared a few hours later then reappeared once again. He wasn't able to track the source of it down the first time because it was so extensive and with all the other interference it was hard to tell the true origin point, not to mention it felt different from any demon or angel or otherwise he had ever encountered or heard of. So he was concerned and definitely wanted to talk to Lucifer about it.

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