Bedtime Stories

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"Once upon a time-" Marinette began the story the traditional way, but her daughter interrupted her.

"No more fairy tales. I want to hear a true story tonight," demanded Eloise, with a stubbornness that (no matter what Damian said) Marinette knew she got from her father.

"Once upon a time can start any story," said Marinette. "But I will make sure to tell you a true story."

"Thank you, Mama."

"Once upon a time, in the City of Lights, there lived a normal girl with a normal life. This girl was special, though, because she had a secret. She had a pair of magical earrings that she used to transform into the superhero known as Ladybug, who saved the city from the supervillain Hawkmoth. With the help of her partner, Chat Noir, Ladybug was able to defeat all of Hawkmoth's minions. However, Ladybug was unable to uncover Hawkmoth's identity. She was unable to stop Hawkmoth from terrorizing the city she loved."

Eloise stared at Marinette with wide eyes. "Did Ladybug ever stop Hawkmoth?"

Marinette smiled, "The story isn't over yet, my darling. You'll have to wait and find out."

Eloise nodded and laid down in bed, letting Marinette tuck her in.

"Hawkmoth wasn't Ladybug's only problem, though. Chat Noir was in love with her, but she didn't return his feelings. Every day Chat Noir professed his love to her, and every day Ladybug let him down gently, but firmly. Despite Ladybug's best efforts to remain friends with Chat Noir, he never ceased in his attempts to get her to love him back. One day, while fighting Hawkmoth, Ladybug came very close to unmasking Hawkmoth's true identity. However, during that fight, Chat Noir distracted Ladybug while trying to prove himself worthy of her love, and Hawkmoth got away. Ladybug was so upset, she told Chat Noir in no uncertain terms that she would never feel the same way for him as he felt for her. Chat Noir was very angry. He told Ladybug that unless she told him that she loved him, he would no longer fight by her side. Ladybug refused, and the two parted ways. Ladybug was all alone."

Clutching her blankets, Eloise looked up at Marinette. "How could he love her but leave her all alone?"

"Either he never truly loved her or his love wasn't quite as unconditional as he promised."

"I don't like Chat Noir," frowned Eloise.

"Than I suppose it's a good thing he left, after all."

Eloise nodded. "I'm glad Ladybug never has to see Chat Noir again."

Marinette chucked under her breath. Trust Eloise to find the silver lining to what Marinette once considered to be the worst day of her life. "Ladybug was all alone. She knew that if she wanted to defeat Hawkmoth, she would need more allies. Ladybug pleaded for superheroes all around the world to come and help her rescue her city from the tyranny of Hawkmoth. Only one came to help her, a superhero named Robin. Robin didn't have any magical powers like Ladybug. He was a normal human who knew that he had to do what was right. He offered his help to Ladybug, and though the battles were tough, together they defeated Hawkmoth."

"Yay!" cheered Eloise.

"It was a bittersweet victory for Ladybug, as she had fallen in love with Robin during their time spent together. However, Ladybug did not trust herself to fall in love with another superhero, after what had transpired with Chat Noir. She ignored her feelings and allowed Robin to leave."

"Robin can't leave!" exclaimed Eloise. "Ladybug loves him!"

"Ladybug loved him, and unbeknown to Ladybug, Robin loved her too. However, he too knew about Chat Noir's actions, and he believed that she would never be able to love another superhero again. He wouldn't chance hurting the woman he loved, so Robin left her."

Eloise's eyes watered. "I don't want Robin to leave."

"Don't worry, it all turns out fine in the end. Ladybug and Robin spent many months apart after Hawkmoth's defeat. Ladybug went back to being a normal girl again. Eventually, Ladybug grew a little older, and it was time for her to go find her place in the world. She moved to a brand new city and made brand new friends."

Marinette paused for a moment, lost in the memory. "Ladybug was a very lucky girl. One of her new friends was Robin, but neither of them knew that fact. They kept their civilian lives completely separate from their superhero lives - so separate that they could not recognize each other outside of their costumes. That did not stop them from recognizing the feeling they still harbored for each other. Ladybug and Robin fell in love with each other a second time. Free from the shadow of Chat Noir's betrayal, they confessed their love for each other, and at the same time, they confessed their superhero identities to each other."

Marinette smiled, her tone turning more and more wistful as she recounted the familiar story. "They were both so shocked, but it wasn't really a surprise. When you truly fall in love with the type of love that is pure and true, you could fall in love with that same person a million different times, a million different ways."

"What happened next?" asked Eloise.

"Ladybug and Robin got married, and they lived happily ever after."

Eloise smiled. "I know I said no fairy tales, but I liked this one."

Marinette smiled back at her daughter. "I'm glad you liked my story." Marinette turned off the lamp on Eloise's bedside table. The nightlight from across the room cast a pink glow on her daughter's face. Marinette smiled, giving Eloise one last kiss on the forehead. "Goodnight, my angel."

"Goodnight, Mama."

Marinette closed the door behind her. Someday, Eloise would know that the story of Ladybug and Robin was no fairy tale. For now, Marinette was content with teaching Eloise the story of how her mother and father met through fairy tales.


This is not My Story.

Creator of the Story :

fridayfirefly/ @Bluebirds Forever

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