Hogwarts AU - (Part 8)

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(I tried to find their Masterpost/ Masterlist but they didn't have any.
So there's nothing here.)


"And you wouldn't believe how massive the grounds are at this school. Seriously Minette, I -"

Damian chucked a napkin at her head. "Could you maybe not read it in Chloe's voice? Because 1) you sound eerily like her, and 2) I hear her voice enough during the school year."

Marinette peeled the napkin from her forehead, nonplussed by the interruption. "Oh, don't even start. I know for a fact that deep down, you actually like Chloe a little bit!"

"Emphasis on the 'little bit' part."


"You know you love me, Angel."

"...still rude."

Marinette scooted across the counter and motioned to the empty space beside her. They were taking a small break from all the baking they had done earlier that morning, and the light pat of her hands sent billowy clouds of flour in the air.

Damian slid next to her with the small copper container where Titus and Tikki deposited their letters. They opened one from Felix about his weekend excursion to Luka's place, another from Juleka with her upcoming trip to visit Rose, an invitation to speak at the induction ceremony for The Marinette Project, and...a thick, anonymous manila envelope.

Marinette didn't need to open it to know what was inside. She'd already received countless others like that, all of them stuffed with apology letters or thank you notes from her former classmates.

Damian slowly wrapped an arm around her back. "Wanna put this one aside like the others?"

Because despite everything, Marinette could never bring herself to actually read the letters or toss them out, even the ones that looked like they would hurt the most.

She plucked the package from his hands and placed it in a hidden basket below the countertop. Out of sight, out of mind.

Marinette molded herself against Damian's side like sea foam trickling on the shore, and they stayed like that until the oven's ding brought them out of their stupor.

As soon as the rested the croissants on a cooling rack, a spotted grey owl pecked at the glass window. In its beak was a crisp parchment envelope that was sealed with royal green wax.

Marinette furrowed her eyes at the bird, then at her boyfriend. "Are you expecting something?"

"No...I thought you were," Damian replied with equal confusion.

After letting the owl inside and paying it with a Knut, they carefully pried open the letter and saw matching gold and olive badges glinting back at them. How odd. Their prefects badges usually looked diff-

The realization hit them hard.

They read the letter a total of five times, twice aloud and three times in silent awe. And by some miracle, it wasn't a trick. The message never changed.

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