Clumsy Bruises

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In a year since Marinette and Damian decided to date, Marinette still had problems with her class. They weren't hurting her, but they did not go out of their way to include her in out-of-school activities. But that was fine, Marinette had learned to accept the reality, and made friends with people outside her class.

She, however, had not been expecting the Wayne's to come across an ocean for a business venture to Paris around the first anniversary of her and Damian getting together. Though Tim and Dick did say they were here on official business and it was actually good fortune on their part. Jason's smirk and Damian's scowl when they first showed up seemed to suggest otherwise.

Marinette definitely had a problem with them being there when an Akuma appeared nearby and the four of them seemed to both want to protect her and deal with it. Jason had been about to stab the victim before Marinette stopped him. She gave a brief rundown on what an Akuma was, what was happening before she bolted out of there at the first chance of separation.

She knew she would have to deal with a heap of protective stuff later.

The lecture/talk by the four Wayne boys had taken her until dinner time. Even with expecting it, she did not think it would take up most of the afternoon. She still had to patrol the city, plus complete her homework.

When she had actually started a patrol, it was really late. The sky was light by Paris rather than the sun, and she raced over the rooftops. A flutter of color and a yell on the rooftops surprised her, making her foot slip on the tile.

And off the roof.

With a yelp of her own, she managed to grab her own yoyo and swing it out. Catching herself from hitting the street. She swung back up onto a different rooftop and caught her breath. She looked around for the source of color and the yell, not seeing anything, before turning to get back on patrol. Only she walk dead straight into a pole on the roof. Ow, that hurt, ran through her brain as she stumbled back. She aimed a glare at the pole that had no reason other than providing an internet connection to the world to be on the roof and started to head off. She was nearly finished with her patrol when she heard the yell again and she stopped and looked around. There were 4 people running about on the rooftops a little aways, that looked to be parkour people. She made her way over, stopping a little away.

"You just want to see your beloved."

"I will skewer you, Hood!"

"Hey Baby Bird, calm down, it's fine he didn't mean anything by it."

"You say that Nightwing as if Red Hood is not wrong. Little brat here totally would go see her, and he shouldn't. Batman did say we were here for Intel, and to make contact with the heroes, no one else is to know we are here."

Marinette tried to keep up with their conversation in English. It was not easy, a second language was hard, but she had several teachers trying to help her.

"So I should totally reveal myself right?" She called out to them. They turned to look at her. She jumped across the gap between buildings before looking at what seemed to be the leader in black and blue. Who then proceeded to gasp and pull his weapon out from somewhere, and grab her.

"How did you get that? Was it an Akuma? Do you need help? Where did you last see it? Is your partner okay? Do you need first aid?" Marinette blinked wildly at him while he studied the area around her cheekbone and eye. She pressed it and winced at the pain. Huh, she hadn't even noticed. She wished her yoyo came with a mirror.

"No Akuma, it's fine just...I had an accident with a pole and I think one of you earlier yelled over the rooftops, it's fine. I've suffered worse. Part of the miraculous magic will have this heal by morning tomorrow, it will be fine." She waved her hands before her to hopefully prove they were fine. The other three had varying reactions to looks of concern for her to glaring across the skylines looking for the nonexistent Akuma. She barely noticed that the three formed a protective ring around her and the guy who was looking at the bruise.

"Dammit Hood, you just had to." The smallest one said.

"Not like you are completely silent either Brat." The guy without a helmet said.

"You sure you're okay?" The guy checking her over asked.

"Yeah, has happened a lot, I'm really clumsy. But uh...who are you?" She asked.

"Right, sorry. I'm Nightwing. That's Red Hood in the helmet with guns, Red Robin there with the staff, and Robin with the katana." He pointed at each of them. "We work with Batman in Gotham as well as other cities individually at times around America. The league heard of something going down here in Paris and we came to investigate, see if we can send assistance, that sort of thing." The guy now Nightwing said. Marinette nodded,

"Well, help is always useful. We really need to do something about it. What do you already know?" The four explained that they understood Akuma, what they were, but beyond a few akumatized victims, were not really sure what was going on. Ladybug added details, filled in gaps, informed them of the ladyblog for information of attacks, and then started on the two villains.

"Basically, we have emotional terrorists. Hawkmoth is the one who has been operating the longest, sending Akuma out to corrupt someone in hopes to get the ladybug and cat noir miraculouses. To do what? We don't know, but the powers combined can technically change the universe, for there has to be balanced. Mayura is the newer one, appearing more in person than using her power which is still crazy powerful. She makes sentimonsters. They differ with being based on emotions while Hawkmoth takes advantage of negative emotions because they are easier to corrupt, but you would be the villain, rather than something in your control. It's weird. Help to track them down would be great. I don't know about helping us in battles, you guys are still human, and some powers are crazy." She looked at them, and the confusion they held. She grinned sheepishly. "There is a lot of info. You should start by looking at the blog. We'll see about the help in tracking the villains down. Thanks though for coming all this way. Bug out." She said and swung away to go home. She stopped by a window and inspected the bruise. It was nastier than she thought, with a cut and she knew the moment the suit was off, the bruise would swell around her eye. Below her mask, she could see the makings of a blue and purple mix just next to the cut. It...may not be fully gone by morning, but makeup should cover it. She gave a wince and continued home.

She hoped Damian wouldn't notice when she saw him in the afternoon...or his brothers.

Jason still hadn't stopped the teasing about the cut lip due to her phone, and she would need a story in case.

He just would love to hear she walked into a pole...


This is not My Story.

Creator of the Story :

@madness grows more madness

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