Dame Chanceuse Couture AU - (Talia's Tea Time)

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At first, Marianne and Talia hadn't exactly gotten along. Their business relationship was fine, there were no major disagreements or problems about clothing or accessories. Most of the animosity stemmed from Damian al Ghul-Wayne and their relationships with him.

Marianne was always kind to the boy, providing with sweets, hot coco and silly conversation that made the young boy giggle like the actual child that he is. Talia never liked that, always viewing it as weakness on the part of her son, his attachment to the seamstress unnecessary and potentially dangerous.

On the duo's fifth visit to the little shoppe, while Marianne was adjusting the hem of custom emerald and silver dress that the assassin has commissioned five weeks prior, the mother decided to spark a conversation between the two of them.

"Why do you entertain my son whenever we come here?" the middle eastern woman asked bluntly, looking down at the younger woman who was on her knees and pinning the dark green fabric in place.

Marianne's blue eyes met Talia's tourmaline ones and she said, "Because he is a child and deserves to have some of the typical experiences, despite what he is destined for."

The assassin got the distinct feeling that the black haired woman was speaking from experience and looked straight ahead once more, admiring the delict gold and silver embroidery on the bodice of her dress that paid homage to her middle eastern heritage. Neither of them spoke for the rest of their session.

When Talia had come back out to the front of the store after changing back into her civilian garb, she stood silently watched her son, her strong, brave and brilliant son, laughing at the silly face Marianne was making at him over the rim of her steaming mug. Something in her chest tightened just a bit, like a snake had coiled around her heart and tightened its hold unexpectedly before devouring it.

Four days later, when Talia was sure no one was in the store with the young seamstress, she made her way inside once more. Marianne had looked completely shocked by the older woman's unexpected visit, which was fair, as Talia usually only came for her appointment and even when she came at a sooner date, she always called ahead.

Unperturbed, Marianne had taken one look at the assassin and gestured her over to the little table near the boarded up front windows and went to the little kitchenette behind to the counter and brewed as pot of herbal tea. She sat down opposite of the middle eastern woman and put a full tea service down between them, pouring them each of cup and waiting.

It took the assassin a few minutes to gather her thoughts once she was actually seated across from the cause of her minds frankly worrying ventures but Marianne didn't seem to be in a hurry, simply sipping her tea and munching on a macaron. The gentle calm of her presence, the knowledge that this was the small, harmless seamstresses domain was what finally lead to Talia speaking her mind.

"I want to be a better mother," she said, not hastily but not quite normally either.

Marianne set her cup down and Talia picked her's up to do something with her hand. Those sapphire blue eyes study Talia for a moment and it was thanks to her training only that she didn't betray her inner turmoil by fidgeting under the seamstress's cool and gentle gaze.

"Why?" she asked simply, as if the whole matter wasn't absolutely terrifying.

Talia, however, had an answer ready on her tongue, words she had wanted to say for days, maybe months or even years now, "He deserves to be a child, as much as he can. He has a tumultuous and terriftingly long life ahead of him. He deserves a chance to enjoy it now, while he is still able to."

Marianne smiled at her, understanding and almost relieved, "How do you plan on doing that for him?"

Talia smiled at her mug, her eyes dropping to star into the green liquid, "Damian loves animals. I want to take him to a zoo."

"I'm sure he'll love it," the seamstress enthused but Talia could barley focus on it, the fantasy of strolling through a zoo hand in hand with her son gripping her imagination and filling her chest with warmth that was too much for even the snake that had ceased her heart.

The two women, both with their own challenges, traumas and dreams sat at the table in a comfortable silence for half an hour more, drinking their tea and eating finger foods. When Talia stood to leave and collect her son for a day at the zoo, Marianne gently tapped her hand, drawing the assassin's attention.

"Come back and tell me about it tomorrow. Maybe I can tell you about some more places to see and things to do," Marianne said gently and Talia smiled at her.

"Yes, I think I will."

From then on it became a tradition for the two women, the assassin and the seamstress to sit in the boarded up window and talk, Talia sharing the life of her precious son, who was finally smiling and talking and carrying little trinkets from their domestic adventures all around the world with him at all times. Marianna always smiled and listened, laughing alongside the assassin and sending her home with sweets and tea.

When Talia came around, it was tea time, always.


This is not My Story.

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