Clumsy Dislocations

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Damian was back in Paris. It was school holidays for Marinette and so he was staying with her and her family for a few weeks, while also continuing the investigation of Paris's heroes. After their first trip out, Bruce and the league had decided that they would offer assistance but mostly leave it alone as Ladybug had requested, due to not wanting them akumatized. Damian was aware to not lose his temper, or feel anything too negative, but also knew that he would struggle to feel positive away from Marinette. So staying with her was fine, and even a great way to spend his holiday.

Which is to say, until the Akuma with fire powers showed up, he was okay. Because she disappeared on him again. And she was not answering her phone. The Akuma still raged on, and as more time passed, the more Damian's heart raced, the more he checked his phone, the more his breath caught in his throat. He started looking, but could not find it when he made a decision and ran for an alleyway away from prying eyes.

It was simple and smart, to get some height vantage, to be able to keep an eye on the battle, look over the streets for Marinette, and move efficiently to cover more ground quickly. It was simple, and most importantly, he would find Marinette quicker. It was important that he find Marinette, he did not even bother with going back to the hotel to change into Robin. That changing would be a waste of time that no one would be looking towards him on rooftops when there was an Akuma attack occurring.

He had not taken into account a magical victim of a terrorist villain would be able to see him easier and want to use him as a hostage.

And hang him off the edge of the Eiffel Tower in the process to get his demands met.

The heroes were below, and panic over the civilian in danger was evident in their movements and eyes. Damian also looked at the drop. It was a long way down that he was sure that the heroes could catch him if need be. Though if the Akuma was attacking them it would prevent them from saving him. He also could not use his bat grappling gun on his person, without revealing himself, dammit. However...he eyed the Akuma. Knowing what he did about the situation, there should be something to turn the person back into a...person. He eyed the belt of explosives, before deciding on it. He was starting to get a sore arm from hanging limply out of the grip. Using his core muscles and strength, he pulled himself up and kicked the guy in the side, aiming to snap something on the belt. The guy instead, had fallen back in surprise, securing both their safety by being on the framework. He grabbed the arm that held his and yanked himself free. He dropped to the ground, keeping close before attacking the guy and with a knife from a hidden sheath, aiming to slice the belt in two. The guy grabbed and swung Damian around, rage in his features to try and stop Damian. Unfortunately, as the belt dropped revealing Damian had, naturally, completed the task and the black-purple butterfly flew out. Damian still being swung around watched as the blob of black and purple stuff appeared, covering the guy as he went back to normal when Damian instead of spinning, felt the arm no longer holding him, and felt himself move fast through the air.

Oh. This was a predicament.

The guy was much smaller than the Akuma version. Damian was flying through the air, over the side of the tower. Plummeting to the ground below. He vaguely heard someone scream his name and the next thing he knew was Ladybug had grabbed him with one arm and she threw her yoyo up. Their descent ended with a sudden jerk and Damian knew he heard a pop. Ladybug bit her lip and hissed. Dian looked up to see her arm definitely was dislocated.

"Does that happen often?" He asks.

"Sometimes. Generally, if I don't prepare to no longer freefall without moving the momentum. I'll get us to the ground. It's closer than any landing. Damian looked down to see that he probably had another few seconds before he would have been a splat. That was not comforting.

They were slowly lowered. Ladybug turned pale as they were down. He really wanted to question the magical yoyo. It should not be that strong or that long.

Maybe it was like Wonder Woman lasso.

They reach the ground and her arm hung by her limply. She tugged her yoyo to her, returning to her hand where she released the pure white butterfly. She threw a red and black button-up in the air to a release of ladybugs that swarmed her and the rest of the damage. She moved her arm about gingerly, a smile on her face.

"That feels better. Take care and don't climb to the roofs next time please."

"I won't. Is it as if you never had a dislocation?"

"I wish. It gives the strength back but it wasn't done by the Akuma. It was healed a little bit faster I guess, but the discomfort is still there. I need to leave now. See you around." He nodded as she swung away. He took to looking for Marinette.

She was not far from where they had separated. She threw herself at him and held him tight. He wrapped his arms back around her and she flinched slightly.

"What happened?"

"I got injured in the attack. Shoulder dislocated. Ladybug fixed it, I'll be fine."

He protested, as he always did, and took her home, and placed her firmly on the couch, holding her as they watched movies.

His girlfriend was used to such treatment from any injury, bruise, or otherwise and happily snuggled into him enjoying their time together and reassuring herself he was okay.


This is not My Story.

Creator of the Story :

mysnis/ @madness grows more madness

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