The Never-Ending Cycle of Proposals (Sequel)

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This was not how it was supposed to go.

Damian had made sure of it. He found and destroyed every contingency plan that Jason and the others had formed. He flew Marinette back to Paris, to her parent's bakery so that they could be a part of the moment. There should be no possible way things could go sideways.

Clearly he had underestimated the members of Date Duty.

"-and then Marinette fell down the stairs! Can you believe it? It was her big debut at the Wayne Gala as Damian's girlfriend and this girl got so nervous that she tripped over her own two feet."

"That's our Marinette. As graceful as ever."

A boisterous laughter filled Damian's ears as the bakery door snapped shut behind him. Checking his watch, he tried to recall how long he had been gone. It couldn't have been more than ten minutes. How did Jason get to Paris?

"Oh! Damian sweetie, look who just flew in to check in on us and low and behold, he didn't even know that you and Marinette had the exact same thought! How crazy is that?"

Damian plastered on his best fake smile as his eyes attempted to burn Jason's smirk off his face.

"Very crazy indeed Sabine. Do you mind if my brother and I excuse ourselves for a moment?"

"Oh! Not at all, we should really be getting ready to open anyways. Please, feel free to head up to the apartment. Marinette should be back from Alya's soon, but make yourselves at home boys."

They both nodded as Damian stalked behind Jason, forcing him to take the steps two at a time. As Jason threw open the door, he finally released the laughter that he had been holding back.

"I really didn't think you were going to make it. If you actually had any powers, I would've been scared for my life down there."

"I don't need powers to kill you Todd."

Jason reached out to ruffle Damian's hair, his smirk only fueling the smaller boy's rage.

"What are you doing here Todd? This was supposed to be a relaxing vacation for Marinette to see her parents. You are neither relaxing or her parents."

"Oh don't be coy with me Dami, I know what you're really here for, we all do in fact. Did you really think you could get away with proposing to Marinette without getting through us first? You only tore up some fake plans, plans meant to lure you into revealing when you were going to propose. Considering how quick you were to get Marinette on a plane without saying goodbye tells me you plan on doing it this week."

Damian counted backward from ten as he tried to consider all of his options left. He had taken into consideration that the plans could be fake, but there should've been no way that they could've tracked him to Paris. He paid in cash at the airport for the tickets and flew economy, economy for crying out loud!

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