Rock N' Roll Super Fashion

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Marinette was not always good at keeping a secret from the detective group of Wayne. The figuring out her identity as Ladybug was proof to attest that, particularly with them somehow seeing past the magic that obscured her for other people. In fact, from Dick to Damian, they were convinced that they knew everything there was about her, from her favorite craft of designing, to her favorite color of pink. They knew exactly when to avoid her and let her sleep more, and when she needed ice cream. It was important to never mix those two up, or Damian would cut their heads off for making her tired or upsetting her further due to her need for sleep or company.

With that said, they thought they knew all there was to know about her. Bruce would have thought so too. It got to the point everyone's utility belt carried 4 chocolate chip cookies for Tikki on patrol as a just-in-case measure. They knew her favorite rock star was the Jagged Stone, due to his love and passion for the art, which was also why she enjoyed Clara Nightingale's music. When they heard that Jagged Stone, the rock and roll star that Dick practically had forced his younger brothers' into being fans, that Marinette was also a fan of, was stopping through the city of Gotham on his Super Heroes Tour of Music, they had to get tickets to see him. Dick had insisted on the mosh pit, to be able to get the best spots to watch. That it would be a good family experience for them. Marinette was surprised but happy to go along with it and see the show.

She hadn't seen Jagged perform live since he had been in Paris, she had mused to them. The group went together, with Damian glaring at anyone who looked at Marinette and holding her close. Marinette soaked up the atmosphere from the crowd and gave a grin to Dick. She was wearing a Jagged inspired Rock outfit with a Leather Jacket, a purple tank top, and torn black jeans with combat boots.

She looked to the stage waiting for Jagged to come out after the opening act finished their set. A few minutes passed and she frowned.

"What's wrong Angel?" Damian asked noticing her frown first, kissing her temple.

"Something's not right. Jason! I need you to get us to the side there." She grabbed Jason's arm and yelled up at the towering build. Jason shot her a quizzical look, but with the determination in her eyes, he gave a nod. The five left their prime position, Dick looked a little sad about that. Marinette was by the security guards in a moment when they pushed their way through. The four brothers watched in amazement as she approached and yelled something at them over the noise of the crowd.

They exchanged looks as the guards started to look annoyed and shake their heads. Marinette continued to talk, boldly and loudly at the two guards. One kept shaking his head, while the other seemed to glare at them all. Marinette glared back and continued to speak, hands moving from gesturing, to on her hips, and still, she continued to gesture at the two. Eventually one talked into a walkie-talkie, and a lady with purple hair appeared at the door seconds later. Her eyes were bright and shifted quickly, hair had been untamed, probably from running her hand through it too much. She was constantly clicking a pen. She froze for a second as her eyes saw the 5 of them, pausing at Marinette before a smile appeared and she quickly grabbed the girl. Marinette grabbed Damian and Jason, who reflexively grabbed the other two as Marinette was pulled in, with the lady stopping the guards from stopping the rest of them. Jason waited for them to be stopped and turned out into the street, following the two talks in quick soft French. Dick seemed nervous, twitching and looking around carefully. Tim seemed to be the same, while Damian was focused on keeping up with Marinette. Seemed that 3 of them thought that they were about to get the boot out of the concert. And the other two did not care. Marinette herself started to look a little worried but quickly took charge when they stopped at a door and Marinette knocked.

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