Rate This (Trust Is Hard To Come By)

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No one would who or what had caused the akuma this time. However, when a thirteen-year-old superfan of Ladybug got Akumatized, everyone knew it.

A loud voice boomed in the ears of all the citizens in Paris, "Beware Paris, I am the Gardener, protector of the Loveliness. Those who have failed our Queen Ladybug will be revealed. A number you shall be given on a scale to 100; the higher the number, the more trust the Queen has in you. Low numbers have failed our Queen, betrayed our queen, betrayed the loveliness, and will be punished!"

"Loveliness," Adrien asked, already preparing to make a break for it to transform.

Unaware that Marinette decided to wait for a bit. Some lessons needed to be learned the hard way. All the kids were at lunch and seemed to be enjoying the day until the alert happened.

Max pushed his glasses up, "A group of ladybugs is called a 'loveliness of ladybugs.'. Gardeners love Ladybugs because Ladybugs protect their gardens."

"Cool!" Kim grinned. "We get to see how much Ladybug digs us."

Alya preened, "I'm at least a 90." She pulled out her phone. "I'm so going to live stream this."

"I think I'm like an 80, dude," Nino smirked.

All the kids gave their guess; most figuring they were at least in the 70s. It was Alya who joked, that Marinette probably had a ten.

The others agreed; thinking the girl had been such a bully lately, and so mean to Lila.

Marinette overheard them from where she, Chloe, Kagami and their new friends sat. A smirked spread across her face. This would be good.

A blindingly flash filled the cafeteria. When it was gone, all the kids had numbers above their heads.

One by one the excited grins on the students of Bustier's class faded.

"A two," Alya paled. "How can I be a two?" A dark ugly red 2 floated above her head. She touched the number and words appeared next to it: Warning: Disloyal. False friend. Bully. Anger control problems. Easily swayed. Bad journalist... etc.

Nino frowned, "I got a four." How could he have a four? He was carapace. Ladybug had chosen him herself. Or at least she had. He hadn't gone Super in over a year. Was that when Ladybug lost her trust in him?

He touched the number. His warning said: bad friend. Disloyal. Bully. He touched it again before he could read any more.

Kim had a five. Alix had a three. Mylene had a seven. Rose and Juleka had 10s. Ivan had an eight. Nathanial had an eleven. Max had a six. All were in the red. All had similar warning signs.

Adrien had frozen in his seat when he saw his number. A 14. How could he be a 14? Why did Ladybug barely trust him? They were partners, friends, maybe more one day. But how could they be any of that she didn't trust him.

He touched his number. His warning sign read: Naïve, Spineless, pushy, Bad friend, and, in bold letter, COWARD.

"We should go," Max whispered. "People are staring."

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