Finally, a Date

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(I tried to find their Masterpost/ Masterlist but they didn't have any.
So there's nothing here.)


At the entrance to the Fair ground:

Standing near a pillar was a figure dressed in a blue polo shirt, dark gray jeans and white running shoes.

Damian was checking the time waiting for Marinette to show up; you see Damian had left a bit early so Marinette wouldn't be waiting for him, alone and vulnerable. This was his first proper date with Marinette! It wouldn't do for her to be hurt just because he left her waiting; so, he was early, with 20 minutes left until their meeting time...Okay, so he was a lot early; why hadn't he picked Marinette up again? Oh yeah, she said she did want to bother him and was happy to walk.

He had asked to be excused from patrol tonight, so Bruce and Alfred were the only ones who knew about the date; Damian requested that his brothers didn't know, so he could have a quiet date.

For another 5 minutes Damian fidgeted with his phone, both excited and impatient, for Marinette to arrive. For Damian this date was BIG; Marinette didn't know/realize that he was the son of The Bruce Wayne. She just saw him as Damian Wayne; a boy who shares the same last name.

10 minutes before they were supposed to meet, Marinette appeared. She trotted up to Damian, wearing a red V-neck T-shirt; with black dots around the hem, sleeves and collar, light gray capris, white running shoe and had a small gray purse over her shoulder. Her hair was in its usual twin tails.

"Damian, you're here early."

"So are you Marinette."

"Yes, but I didn't want to leave you waiting."

"And I wanted the same, now shall we go?" Damian asked indicating towards the fair.


They started to make their way around.

"Marinette, what would you like to start with; food, vendors, games, or rides?"

"I already ate before coming here, fair food isn't always great, but I would like to get a bag of cotton candy before we go."

"We can certainly get you a bag Marinette; I ate before coming here as well, let's look at the games." Damian suggested wanting to show off to Marinette.


They found a "Hit-the-Target" game; where the play had to use darts to hit the target, the smaller the bigger the prize.

"Would you like me to win you something Marinette?"

Marinette looked at Damian wide eyed.

"Y-You don't have to Damian, these games can be really hard."

"But I want to." Damian replied, paying the both host; who put 3 darts on the table.

First shot *Thud*

"Bullseye!" The host shouted, as Damian hit 1 of the 3 smallest targets.

Second shot *Thud*

"Bullseye..." The host said a little quieter, 2 out of 3 of the smallest targets now hit.

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