African Adventure

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Marinette's class is excited about their trip of two weeks to America. There is a near year to go before it, but notes of interest were sent out last year and everyone was looking forward to it.

Marinette was hoping to see some shops in New York. Alya was excited to get to see the Daily planet and hopefully some heroes around the continent. Chloe looked forward to the stars. Nino looked forward to the movie world tours. Everyone was looking forward to something.

And then, Lila ruined it for some.

She confided in the other girls about Chloe and Marinette bullying her. Alya had tried to defend her bestie, but then Lila showed photos. The girls blew up on it and even as Alya still tried to defend Marinette, she was shoved to the side quickly.

So the next day at school nearly the whole class had ganged up on Marinette.

Ms. Bustier started the fire.

"Marinette. Due to recent events, and the information about your bullying behavior, I'm afraid I don't feel comfortable with you coming on the trip at the end of the year. If your behavior improves, we can see about letting you come along. There's still time to turn things around." 6 students stared at the teacher in disbelief, while the rest stared smugly at Marinette.

When lunch was on, Alya told Marinette her suspicions.

"But it doesn't make sense! You don't spend any time with Lila! How would this have occurred?" Marinette raised an eyebrow.

"Simple. Lila. Lied." Marinette started looking at her friend. Alya frowned but nodded. She trusted her bestie. There was no way Marinette would just bully Lila. The evidence all pointed to it. So Alya stood by her best friend.

And that came to bite her back.

Marinette's behavior did not change. Ms. Bustier was getting a little annoyed and addressed Alya later that week in private that while supporting her friend was nice, it was not a good idea to support the negativity in the class and to try and get Marinette to see reason so she could come. Or she may want to rethink coming on the trip. Alya got together with Adrien and Nino, expressing her outrage over it. Nathaniel overheard. Everyone was gobsmacked. Ms. Bustier rarely ever threatened to take away school trips. To do so with two students in one year, was unheard of.

The four decided to do something about it. And then, with Marinette, formed the world explorers club. They filled in the paperwork and everything for the school to recognize them as a real after-school club. They had managed to coerce D'Argencourt to be their adult representative for the club. They put up flyers to attract members. Only Chloe from their class joined because Adrien was part of it, along with a couple of kids from their year, Aurora and Marc with the addition of Luka from the year above. Adrien managed to get Kagami to be an unofficial member due to being such a great swordswoman, and D'Argencourt took to it as a way to teach the excellent two students more fencing than Kagami's mother allowed for it.

They then set about to organize their own end-of-year trip.

First, they brainstormed together before deciding on wanting to improve their world and learn about the world's different countries and continents.

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