The Never-Ending Cycle of First Dates

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"No! Wait! He's just kidding!" Marinette ran out of the building trying to grab the boy's hand before he could escape, but she was too late. Her hand slapped her forehead in defeat as yet another man hurried off before they could even order drinks. Turning her attention to where her target stood, she couldn't help the bubbling anger directed at his smirk.

"Why must you ruin every date? It's like you guys have a pool of names and you just reach in and see who's in luck to scare off the next guy that tries to date me!" She threw her hands into the air, only earning a chuckle.

"C'mon Princess, if the man can't handle a little threat then how is he gonna stick around for the long term? Hmm?"

Marinette wanted to argue, but she knew it was pointless. Jason and the others were firm in their beliefs; Marinette must be protected from heartbreak at all costs. She tried arguing with them that if she never got hurt in the first place then she could never learn, but alas, her words seemed to fall on deaf ears.

"How did you even find us?"

Jason's smirk widened which only fueled her rage.

"What? You thought meeting at the restaurant would actually change anything? I can find you anywhere and everywhere. Plus Adrien totally snitched."

Marinette made a mental note to lay into Adrien later after she found the poor kid that Jason scared of.

"One day I'm going to find someone who isn't scared by you lot and he's gonna make it through the first date."

She turned her back on Jason's boisterous laughter. She was determined to prove her point. After all, there had to be one man in Gotham City that wasn't afraid of her, right?


The rest of her week had gone as smoothly as Monday had to say the least.

Tuesday's date was crashed by Kagami's foil. One look at her slicing the bread and he didn't even make it to the table.

Wednesday's date was a double date with Luka and Chloe. Marinette begged Tikki to lend her a little luck, but the small God would do no such thing. At least this guy made it past drinks. Marinette almost cheered until Luka donned his infamous stare. She watched as her date squirmed uncomfortably before excusing himself for the bathroom, never returning.

Thursday's date ended with the man strung up by his ankles, none other than Nightwing and Red Robin dropping in to apologize, claiming they thought he was trying to mug her.

By Friday, she was ready to cancel her date before it even began.

"Adrien, you guys are making it impossible to even think about dating." She collapsed on the couch, letting out a small whine.

"I think that's kind of the point Mari, besides, you're a working woman now, shouldn't you be focusing on your career-"

Adrien paused as his eyes narrowed in on Marinette's hand mocking his lecture. Her hand paused as she noticed his now silent voice. Meeting his eyes, she simply shrugged.

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