Dame Chanceuse Couture AU - (Mari and Mar'i)

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Mar'i was spending the weekend at Wayne Manor while Starfire took care of some Titans business that wasn't good to have around a child. Coincidentally, Marianne was also staying at the Wayne Manor that weekend, though she was there because Tim invited her.

The two of them meet while Mar'i is exploring the house and stumbles into one of the rooms used for storage. This particular room housed wardrobes filled to the brim with old clothes and Mari was sorting through them.

Mar'i startled Mari by asking who she was and what she was doing. When Marianne introduced herself and told the young child what she was doing, Mar'i delighted and insisted on helping, forgetting to introduce herself.

The two of them spend a lot of the day in the room, trying on dresses and jewelry and Mari telling Mar'i a lot about the history of fashion. They are both laughing like maniacs by the end and have bonded.

The name things come up when Dick yells his daughter's name, trying to find her. The response was two dark-haired females sticking their heads out the door and yelling "Yes?"The two turned to each other and began laughing once they realized what happened. Mari picked the green eyes little girl up and brought her downstairs for dinner. Both of them were grinning like maniacs.

The whole BatFam was scared. With the exception of Damian. It seemed he had another sibling through Marinette now. It helped that she was Grayson's offspring. But Mari was his secret favorite.

When some addresses 'Mari' during the whole weekend, both of them answer without hesitation and grin like little gremlins. When this happens around Starfire, she is extremely confused.


This is not My Story.

Creator of the Story :

@MultiFandom Stories And Headcanons

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