Hidden Fashion Strings

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Tim ran his hands through his hair thinking about what he was to do. The business meeting on his latest project to the board was coming up. And so far he had seen that his chances of getting the business to agree and head in his direction were slim. Even with perfect plans, predicted outcomes and the chances of success, no one seemed willing to back him beyond Bruce. And that was not enough support. What Tim really needed was a bit of luck.

Luck he heard about in a nameless designer.

They were new to the scene and had taken fashion by storm. The one truly interesting piece of gossip was that with a custom piece of creation, you were lucky. The website listed "Lucky blossoms" showed all Tim wanted. There were standard creations, available to the public. But the head designer, everything they touched, crafted, personally made granted the lucky owner who commissioned such work to be lucky.

Now, Tim was not a superstitious person.

However, he had to admit the evidence to suggest this increased luck was pretty straightforward. There were stories of celebrities that had commissioned something and then everything was rosy for them, there were personal accounts of those with a picture of their custom piece and the logo that talked of their amazing luck.

So, Tim, with his approaching and most likely doomed business meeting, with how little the board was too willing to support him, may need some luck to swing it. It was obvious of the disapproval and dismissal of his project with the frowns every time it was mentioned. The slight shakes and grunts to avoid answering. The complete avoidance of the topic. They would not agree with him. He really needed a lucky item.

So, he had a deadline, of 3 months, 2 weeks, a day, and 3 hours to find the head designer, and get her to design the outfit that would allow for him to increase his chances of getting this agreement signed.

The good news, in 2 of those hours, figured out who he needed to contact, who wielded magic into the outfits, with the simple forms to fill in, and just looked for clues, IP addresses, everything he could to figure out who he needed.

He was a little surprised to see a 16-year-old staring back at him with her mugshot of a school photo. Marinette Dupain Cheng. She was the head designer. She did remain out of the eye of the public, and no one had revealed her, but it was easy to piece together. She was acknowledged for creating for Jagged before the brand was started up that had the same style. And the same luck with the cd topping charts worldwide for months. He had to remember to never mention that to Dick, it seemed like it was a one-off that allowed her to build her brand, the logo of Lucky Blossom never touching his wardrobe again. His second clue came from the apple blossoms that seemed to adorn her clothes. Apple blossoms were part of the brand's logo as well as her personal style. Other personal things she had crafted and made had resulted in great success for her before the brand's launch.

She was key.

However, as he found on their websites, his plans fell apart quickly.

A note of a customized creation by the head designer was that they did not take on anyone who asked. A complex system indicated that it could take 2 weeks before they would hear back to see if they would take commissions. Tim could understand, but looking at the custom designs, he could tell that the circle of approval was small. If anything, he guessed, you had to gain approval before you ever sent the request. Most who gained clothing seemed either connected to Marinette or a select few that we're super close to her, many of her friends and close fans getting gear while others with more money seemed to get nothing. Tim wondered over the secrecy, and the high levels of avoidance that Dupain Cheng went to. Nevertheless, it was something Tim had to overcome. He had to become a connection, attach himself to Marinette in some form.

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