Dame Chanceuse Couture AU - (Riddler/ Penguin/ Boutique)

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The Riddler

Next to find out about Mari's boutique is the Riddler, who meets her in the alley behind her building. He had just barely made it out of a confrontation with the Bats and he looked the part. Mari, who always thought he could do much better than that gaudy green suit, takes him inside and just makes him sit in the back room with a cup of warm tea while she selects pieces of an outfit and adjusts some pieces for him.

The Riddler is just '?????????' So confused. This tiny little girl just took in a supervillain and is now ranting about his costume choice while farting around the store with clothes thrown over her arm and needles and pins between her teeth.

In the end, the Riddler leaves Mari's with a dapper new outfit, a new tailor, and a pleasant, content feeling. The next time he needed a new suit, he went straight to the 'abandoned' boutique. For some reason, it never occurred to him to question her aloud, and didn't ask her a riddle either. In the end, he came to the conclusion that she was the riddle.


The Penguin

The Penguin met Marianne once he got The Riddler/ Edward Nygma to admit where he got his news and much-improved outfit and who his new tailor was. He went to see this new seamstress for himself.

Mari is honestly surprised that one of her customers came in through the first door during opening hours but she was not complaining and welcomes him with open arms and was happy to help him.

To see how good she really is, he asks her to design him a suit, one that fulfills a certain set of criteria, gives her some money, a time frame, and his measurements, and sorta just leaves her to work things out on her own.

He comes back a week later and is awed. Mari designed him the perfect suit, one that fulfills all of his requirements with a couple of extra bonuses thrown in, it fits his aesthetic, allows for a lot of movement, it fits like a second skin and it's much more flattering than what other tailors had made for him. He lives it and pays almost double what Mari asks for because money isn't really a problem and he sees how much Mari is struggling. The store looks really run down and he wants her to have better.

She becomes his go-to tailor for anything he needs. She makes him a penguin in a top hat and an umbrella pin that he always wears on his lapel. It always makes Mari's day when she sees him wearing it and he wears it at all times soo...


Dame Chanceuse Couture Boutique

After she starts making extra money, she starts to save up to redo the store and buy better supplies. At first, it's small things like getting better lights a better sewing machine, new mannequins, and better clothing racks, etc. Then she starts doing up the rest of the store in soft grays with red and black accents with the help of the Kwamis. She added displays for the jewelry, did up the fitting rooms. She kept the outside looking the way it has been minimized the threat of a robbery and always kept the shutters closed to hide the wealth hidden within the building. She did repaint the sign out front to say 'Dame Chanceuse Couture' (Lucky Lady Tailoring).

She also starts to bake pastries again and leaves them out on the tables and in the consultation and fitting rooms for her clients to snack on while they have the consultations or wait for their adjustments to be done.

Mari also got better and more materials to work with, allowing for a wider range of designs and styles for her to make. She also starts making more jewelry with better quality items, with gems from specific Rogues for their personal designs.


This is not My Story.

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