Hogwarts AU - (Part 2)

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(I tried to find there Masterpost/ Masterlist but they didn't have any.
So there's nothing here.)


Bruce Wayne had been sipping his morning cup of coffee and filing through his correspondence when Damian's owl flew through the kitchen window.

He affectionately rubbed Titus' head in thanks, and set set aside his own work to read his son's letter. In it was Damian's usual formal correspondence, talking about how many hours he studied that week, which students had been particularly bothersome, and any awards applications he was working on.

Bruce sighed.

He longed for his son to understand that he didn't need to push himself in order for their family to be proud of him, that he had every right to actually enjoy his childhood instead of work himself into the ground. Bruce was beginning to accept the possibility that perhaps this was just how his son was when a small line near the bottom of the letter made him nearly do a spit-take.

"....be waiting for a reply from the committee after I submit my application.



P.S. Could you send a few more Galleons in addition to my monthly allowance? A new student just transferred into Slytherin, and I'd like to show her around Hogsmeade next weekend. Her name is Marinette Dupain-Cheng - and she's very nice."

Bruce rushed to send his reply with double the amount of Damian's normal monthly allowance, with his only stipulation being that Damian "keep our family updated about Ms. Dupain-Cheng's adjustment into Hogwarts."


Things had grown significantly lighter in the Slytherin house within the first two weeks of Marinette's transfer. As soon as she walked into the common room, their housemates found that they no longer had to walk around as many eggshells when talking to Damian.

He seemed...calmer now. More restrained. Where before he would completely ignore their questions about assignments, he would now scoff and answer them in a flat tone. When they used to vacate a table so that Damian had space to study or eat, they could now grab a seat next to him without him even batting an eyelash. He'd still barely talk to them, of course, but that was better than having to deal with his scathing remarks.

Though no one would acknowledge it out loud, whispers began to grow about their resident Ice King showing signs of melting.

These changes were much more apparent the following week at Quidditch practice when Damian stomped his foot impatiently during their team huddle.

"Are we quite finished here?" he droned as his boots dug into the pitch.

Their captain, who was in the middle of giving a speech, did not change his deadpan expression other than cocking his eyebrow in Damian's direction. He said, "I didn't realize that our planned-in-advance practice was cutting into your schedule, Your Highness."

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