The Great IKEA Game - Chapter 9

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Dicking Around Part 2: Run, Run As Fast As You Can

She walked over to Dick, tapping the man on his shoulder.

"Excuse me, sir?" Marinette asked, in her best American accent. She subtly tilted her head down so Dick only caught the brim of her hat and not her face. Not too difficult a feat, considering he towered over her.

"Oh, um, yes?" he replied, a bright spark of panic twinkled in his eye before disappearing under a smooth charm. Damn, he was good.

She shoved her phone at him. "I'm so sorry, but I have no clue where to go to find bedding here. Like, I don't see a spot marked out at all. Could you help me?"

Dick smiled, bright and blinding. "Oh, of course, let me see..." While he tried to find where in the world bedding actually was and successfully pretended to be a good little fake employee. Marinette planned to pilfer his pockets.

She leaned in close to his side, pressing her thigh against his - hopefully he would mistake her actions for flirtiness - and slipped two fingers into his front pocket. His tight jeans stopped her from just taking the objects out with no detection.

An annoyed sigh bubbled in her chest, but she squashed it down ruthlessly.

This was fine, she could handle this.

His phone sat on top, so she faked a stumble. She used the movement to push the object into her fingers and lift it out of his pocket; keeping it close to her side hidden by her jacket folds. She waited a brief second before slipping it into her purse. One down, one to go.

"Okay, so, you need to go a few different places to find bedding. You could go here where the queen- and full-size beds are located or..." Dick continued his spiel pointing out where to go on the map. Marinette shifted again; she needed to keep her movements slow and steady.

Once more, slipping two fingers into his pocket, she hooked one finger on the key ring. Marinette moved in closer to point out a section on her phone, standing on her tiptoes while she did, gaining extra momentum to wiggle the keys loose from the bottom of his pocket.

"What about here?" she asked, stumbling forward, pushing her knee into his leg with more force. She tapped on the screen in a place to make the map disappear; she used the contact to lift the keys out to his pocket's edge. "Oh no, I'm so sorry." She recoiled, placing one hand on his arm, slipping the car keys free. Thankfully a single key and clicker button and not a whole bunch of keys are liable to jingle and give the gig away. Palming the object, she tilted her arm and the keys fell into her sleeve.

Dick remained none the wiser.

Now it wasn't like she was proud of her thieving skills. It came down to practicalities; the basics of sleight of hand, misdirection, acting, and distraction. All of which she used as a superhero with a secret identity. Especially when her goal pertained to removing a cursed object from a person, in frankly, rather ridiculous and elaborate schemes.

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