Marinette : Iron Man's Minion : Rising

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Tony just sighed at sight four kids and his robot picketing his workshop. Rhodey just looked overly pleased. The sun was had rose. He had just finished up for the day. Only to be met with... whatever the hell this was.

Honestly, he hadn't thought they were serious. At least he didn't think Peter was serious. Peter was the sweet one; 90 percent of time, he followed Tony's rules to the letter, never giving too much problems.

...Harley, on the hand, liked to start shit.

"What we want?" Harley called again.

"No curfews!" The other three, Peter, Riri, and Marinette yelled.

Riri liked to instigate.

As for Marinette, Tony was certain at this point, she just wanted to see the world burn.

"When do we want it?!"


Dummy beamed loudly. A little sign in his claw.

Tony pinched his nose, "I swear to god, Harley."

Harley smirked, "He says our sugar intake should be limited. I say we want candy. I say Sugar High and Die."

"Sugar high and Die!"

Dummy beamed again.

Tony glared at his firstborn, "You can't even eat."

"Unlimited lab access!"


"Breakroom for Interns," Harley sniped. "We are not Avengers. We shouldn't have to share with Avengers."

"Not my Pop tarts!" Riri shouted, a big grin on her face, framed by her wild dark curly locks.

Marinette was having the time of her life, "Death to Baby monitor protocols!" Ever since it was revealed she was Ladybug, Tony put her on the same restrictions at the other teen Heroes. Karen watching her from her new, Stark approved, mask.

The others went nuts. "Death to Baby monitor protocols!"

Rhodey looked smug, "Karma." He said easily. "For everything you ever put me through at MIT; you have to deal with four versions of yourself."

Tony narrowed his eyes, "Okay time for the big guns," He spun around. "PEPPER!" He yelled. "Jarvis get Pepper."

The kids looked at each other and braced themselves.

"We will not go quietly into the night," They all said together. "We will not vanish without a fight!"

"Oh my god," Rhodey said, looking like a five-year-old on Christmas morning. "They're doing the speech from Independence day!"

"We're going to live on!" The kids said, dummy beeping with them. "We're going to survive! Today we celebrate our Independence Day

"PEPPER!" Tony screamed again.

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