Hogwarts AU - (Part 6)

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(I tried to find their Masterpost/ Masterlist but they didn't have any.
So there's nothing here.)


It took almost five songs for Chloe to pluck up the courage to dance with Kagami instead of just next to her. Her flaxen gossamer gown flared around her ankles as they danced beneath the chandelier's brilliant light. Chloe's heart had never felt more full than when Kagami caught her gaze and smiled.

In those fleeting drum beats and two-steps, it wasn't two girls on a dance floor. It was the promise of springtime. The advent of a new beginning. The burning of lungs after holding one's breath - It was love.

"I'm thirsty," Kagami said, her voice slightly raised because of the music but just as collected as ever. "Let's get some drinks. We can join Felix and his date at their table."

Chloe nodded and followed Kamagi off of the dance floor, vaguely aware of what they were doing. Most of her focus was on the warmth Kagami's hand in her own.


Never was Felix more grateful for his ability to keep his emotions in check than in that moment, because otherwise he would have long-since melted into a puddle at Luka's feet. Luka (bless his heart) politely ignored Felix's reddened cheeks and continued weaving through stories about his school years, his mother's eccentric nautical habits, and his plan for a music career once he graduated Durmstrang.

"I'll need to save up some money, so I'll be working in a local wandmaker's shop until I can travel. It's funny how similar music and wand-making are: both of them read people's heartsongs." A flash of purple in his periphery caught their attention. Luka's smile crinkled wryly at the sight and commented, "Well, it looks like my sister's finally going to ask her to dance."

Luka dipped his head towards the opposite end of the hall, where a girl with lavender-tipped hair shyly prodded the shoulder of a blonde clad in a bubblegum pink gown. The blonde looked at her curiously before dragging her to the dance floor in quick, short hops.

Luka shook his head, his smile turned bittersweet. "Juleka was a mess after her name was chosen from the goblet; our Headmaster ordered all eligible students to submit their names. She ran off that night, and I was terrified she might get lost or hurt...I spent hours trying to find her until...until..."

Felix covered Luka's hand with his own, asking him, "Until what?"

Luka returned the gesture with a squeeze and a small grin. "Until I saw her sitting on a staircase with your friend Marinette. I don't know what they were talking about, but Marinette seemed to calm her down until she was able to stand up by herself - I have to thank her for that."

Felix hid his grin as he took a sip from his cup. Typical Marinette, helping out complete strangers at the tip of a hat. "I'll send her your regards."

"And so will we!"

Felix wanted to bang his head on the table at the sound of the intruding voices. Chloe and Kagami (or, as he liked to call them, Thing 1 and Thing 2) were rolling up to their table with drinks in hand. Oh joy, just what he wanted. Knowing that there was no way he could stop them, he scooted closer to Luka while they introduced themselves.

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