Holiday Cards are not more important than a Family Dinner

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Bruce looked over each template with annoyance. Today was not a good day. He had an issue this morning with the early patrol and wanted to get back out there and work on the case when he had been told today he had to come in for an important decision that the board could not agree on so he was wasting time. And he had been told he wasn't allowed to slip away this evening. Apparently, Damian being already upset at him on patrol last night made this time a non-negotiable dinner. Crime did not stop for a meal, so this ruling by Alfred was terrible. All this over some food and god damned Wayne Enterprise versions of some holiday cards for the season. Why did this need his seal of approval he did not understand. But apparently, the board was split between two designs and so he had to be called in.

He liked running a business but he did not like the stupid level of things that came with the job. Providing care, helping people, sure. Making meanless decisions that had no impact? No. But it came with the territory and so did working.

Dinner requirements should not be on the list. But if Alfred states so, there would be a good reason for it. He just didn't know what that reason was.

He was later at Wayne Manor looking over a case file when Alfred entered with a look of disapproval.

"Master Bruce, should I take into consideration you forgot again?" Bruce stared at him.

"I had not."

"Then you'll be good to know there are only a few minutes to dinner." Bruce blinked and looked at the clock.

"Are you absolutely sure,"

"You will come to this meal." Alfred's tone left no room for arguing and Bruce dragged himself to his feet. He raised an eyebrow at the sight of his two eldest boys literally racing down the corridor, jostling for the space next to the handrail. The second one went up when Steph raced past with Cass.

"Come on! She's here!"

"Who?" Bruce asked, but the pair were already long gone. He frowned but came downstairs to see a gathering near the front door of all of them except Alfred. Was there someone over for dinner tonight?

"Father. How delightful it is for you to finally join us." Bruce held in a wince. He knew Damian wasn't exactly happy with him, but the clear sarcasm and annoyance were clear in his voice. Bruce opened his mouth and went to speak. But someone beat him to it.

"Oh Damian, you shouldn't say such things. I'm sure there's a reason he hasn't come to dinner before." Bruce...did not recognize that voice. At all.

He looked over the group and spotted a girl about Damian's age with a bright smile in the center of the group.

"Who are you?"

"I'm Marinette. I'm Damian's girlfriend." Bruce's brain broke. Because Damian's what?

He barely registered the rest of the night. He was on autopilot. Everyone else had met Marinette. Apparently, Damian had been bringing her over weekly for dinner to meet his family for a month. Everyone but him had attended as he had put the mission first. He had no clue she existed.

He had little clue about the rest of Damian's life. And Damian had not tried to hide this. Actively tried to share it. Was this what pissed him off yesterday?

He just didn't realize exactly how much he missed out on. He studied Marinette absently. She sat next to Damian but was open to everyone, engaging in conversation and allowing for others to have their own views and explain it all. Her hand closest to Damian often moved closer to him, and she would glance at him often as if questioning and communicating in slight movements. His own son seemed to copy these moments, and even interrupt if he felt he had to and defended Marinette. Bruce was firmly ignored the whole evening and barely came out of it at the end to extend a "farewell" and "I was delighted to have met you" at the door before Damian would take her home. Marinette's eyes hardened and she glared at him.

"Yes, it's nice to also meet the man who holds his son so dearly to know what's happening in his life finally." She then gave a sweet smile.

"I hope that I get to see you sooner than in 2 months." She then took Damian's hand and skipped away leaving Bruce standing there in shock.

For 2 months Damian had been bringing her around and he had not known at all...maybe he should pay more attention to the people around him.


This is not My Story.

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@madness grows more madness

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