Lila makes The Hulk mad..

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(I tried to find there Masterpost/ Masterlist but they didn't have any.
So there's nothing here.)


The class is on a trip to New York And Lila is taking Credit for everything. She's claiming to know the Avengers. Her normal lies. But she fails to realize Bruce Banner is sitting behind her in this case. He grips the table trying to calm down as she claims she inspired his research. Then she says she is the only one that can calm the Hulk down...

Her friends push her in his direction believing she's there only way out. Until Mari pushes her out of the way. They then realized she can't calm him down and panick. Some one calls the avenger but by the time they get there Hulk is cradling a crying Marinette saying Hurt Child and rocking back and forth. Anyone other than Tony trust to a come near and Hulk looks ready to fight while simultaneously holding the girl proactively. Tony manages to get close enough to fully see the girl but Hulk doesn't want to let go and but the looks of it the girl is not gonna let go even if Hulk did. "Steve she's physically fine. She definitely having a panic attack but she is clinging to him. I think he protected her from something." Tony says over the coms. "Tony she's from Paris... This is probably the first time she's aloud herself to feel anything negative in years... Her classmate says she's never been akumatized." Someone responds over the coms. Tony freezes. He can hear her pain. " hurt child. hurt Bruce." Hulk says looking at the French class. "Not hurt child again" he says looking at Tony. "Not hurt child again" Tony repeats.

Hulk detransforms still holding the girl. Bruce and the girl holding tight still crying. Tony manages to transport them to the tower were they both pass out. When Tony enters the meeting room he is greeted by many faces of angry heros even those not part of the avengers. "Someone better be running investigations on that class. What the hell did they do?" Tonny bites out. That look on the girls face he knew it he lived it. "Tony you need to see this" Spiderman speaks up. A video plays. It showed a girl with sausage hair making false claims slowly angering Bruce. It also shows Marinette being isolated by the rest of her class. Then Hulk. Then Marinette saving sausage hair. Hulk roared then Marinette roared back with all the anger of the years of Hawkmoth much more anger then it should be possible then the roar all the pain again it changed betrayal, the pain again, sadness, loss, then relief. The roar turned into whimpers as she collapsed. Hulk picked her up and began trying to comfort her. He said understand a few times befor repeating hurt child.

And that's how Lila managed to single handedly get on every hero in America's bad side while Furry personally took on the mission of revealing everything she had ever done or lied about. And the class certainly had learned of the consequences of there actions.

Marinette was able to "contact" ladybug who used the hourse miraculous to visit the other heros.

Ladybug was able to talk with other hero's any resolve the issues that came with the possibility of a hero getting akumatized. It was decided Black Widow and Bucky Burns would go to Paris for a week at a time switching out when ones week was up so that the young Paris heros could receive more training and help.


This is not My Story

Creator of the Story :

@Random Thoughts about Life

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