Dame Chanceuse Couture AU - (Girls Night Out)

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It had all started with a simple suggestion, a single conversation that wasn't out of the ordinary, and a mention of some of her aunties' more innocent memorable nights. Then it spiraled into a long-winded and elaborate discussion about the fun they had had that night and ended with plans for the next repeat of that night, this time including Mari herself. Mari knew this sequence of events was concrete and definitely took place but it still felt unreal to her, even now as she stood in front of her mirror, twisting and turning to examine her suit

"I don't know how good of an idea this is..." Mari muttered as Tikki landed on her shoulder, "What if I get in trouble!"

"Mari, no one will be able to tell that it's you, everything will be fine. You need a night out to relax and your aunties are going to take good care of you. Besides, we will be with you too!" the red Kwami said kindly, patting the young guardian's exposed shoulder. The rest of the Kwamis chimed in with their agreements and support as she ran her gloved and clawed fingers through her black-to-neon-blue fade bob cut. It's been a while since her hair has been this short.

She and Plagg have discussed the design of her suit at length, wanting to make sure she wasn't recognizable as either Marianne or Marinette, so they completely redid her Lady Noire Suit. Now instead of a long braid, her hair was cropped short and electric black-to-neon-blue fading instead of just black, two cat ears sitting on her head, with a neon blue bow tied at the base of the left ear. Her black leather suit had a high collar with a neon blue bow replacing the bell that used to hand there, though she still had the zipper down the front as well as the pockets. Her boots were reminiscent of thigh-highs with kitten heels, and she had added a single layer of neon blue tulle fabric to fall from her waist to the back of her knees, shorter in front and longer in the back to replace her tail with a blue bow at the small of her back. She replaced the clip on her back for her staff with a holster hidden by the slightly protruding hem of her boots. She kept the claw-tipped gloves though - and if she sharpened them slightly, no one was going to say anything - adding neon blue bows around her wrists too. Her eyes were neon blue and cat slitted, another change from the previous green and she didn't wear a mask this time. A fun little thing that she discovered that she was sure that Plagg threw in for her was the fangs - and she freely admitted that she liked those quite a bit!.

"Ready to go Mari dear?" Harley knocked on her door frame as she skipped into Mari's bedroom.

She paused as Mari turned around, nervously rubbing her arm and trying not to scratch herself. The blonde woman looked the small bluenette up and down, blue eyes wide with mischief. Her face broke into a grin as she gathered Marianne into her arms and her a good squeeze.

"Oh, Lena's gonna love this! You really have a favorite don't cha? Don't worry, I wouldn't tell." Harley winked at Mari as she let go, keeping her hands on her upper arm, "Now come on! We've gotta get goin'! The night's young but it ain't gonna last forever!"


Just like Harley had predicted, Selena had loved her costume, nearly cried if Ivy was to be believed like she insisted she should be. Selena, similar to Harley, had swept Mari into a nearly bone-crushing hug, her leather-clad fingers running soothingly over the petite French woman's hair while she murmured, "You look gorgeous Kitten into her ear."

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