Dame Chanceuse Couture AU - (Cat's Meow)

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Selena gently petted the little kitten that had curled up in her lap while she watched Marianne fuss around her store front. The green-grey eyed woman waited patiently for the younger woman to stop making unnecessary changes to the smallest little thing. She had been waiting for nearly a half hour but Plagg had crawled into her lap so she didn't get up to stop her kitten from fussing.

"Marianne, dear, I know this is a big decision but adjusting the same mannequin for the fifth time in ten minutes isn't going to help," the thief finally spoke up, breaking the silence.

Marianne startled, looking in Selena's direction with wide, slightly manic eyes, "I know, I know! It's just... What if this doesn't work out?"

The older woman tried to interrupt but Marianne didn't let her, "I don't want anything to go wrong. If something is wrong, off in the final product and whoever bought it hates it and doesn't want it and hates me."

Selena could tell that her kitten was on the brink of a panic attack and gently plucked Plagg off her lap and settled him onto the seat's cushion before heading over to Marianne. Putting her hands on the petite French woman's shoulders and squeezing slightly to gain her attention, Selena smiled kindly at Marianne.

"Kitten, you know it's going to go great," The dark haired woman whispered as she pulled Marianne into a gentle embrace, rubbing circles on her back.

Marianne's breathing slowly evened out and Selena pressed a kiss to the crown of her head, "It's going to take some trial and error, sure, to get the right jeweler but I'm sure we can make this happen. No one could hate anything you do or make. You know why?"

The smaller woman made a small, questioning noise, "Because you pour your heart and soul into everything you do. Nothing you make will be any less than perfect."

After a beat of silence, Selena felt Marianne's fingers tighten in her dress's fabric, "Thanks, Mom."

Selena fought to keep her tears at bay, "You're welcome Kitten."


This is not My Story.

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@MultiFandom Stories ANd Headcanons

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