Titus Helps

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(I tried to find their Masterpost/ Masterlist but they didn't have any.
So there's nothing here.)


At the Manor:

Damien was waiting impatiently in the front hall of the manor, with Titus on his leash, when Alfred came carrying a basket.

"Here you are Master Damien, one picnic lunch for and Miss Marinette to enjoy."

"Thank you Alfred, this is most acceptable." Damien thanked as he examined the contents of the basket.

Damien had ask Marinette out on a picnic (Not a date) to show her the beauty of Gotham's parks to inspire her for her designs, and Marinette suggested that he bring Titus along. You see, Damien had mentioned his dog Titus to Marinette a couple of times, like any proud dog owner would, and she was interested in meeting him.

"Best be on your way Master Damien, if you wish to be on time for your date." Alfred prompted.

Blushing a bit Damien gave a hasty response "This is not a date Alfred! I'm just showing Marinette Gotham's largest and most beautiful park to help inspire her!"

"Of course Master Damien, please forgive my misunderstanding." Alfred apologized with a smile that looked much like a smirk as Damien and Titus headed out the door and loaded into the car.

With Titus and the picnic basket loaded up, Damien drove towards the hotel Marinette and her classmates were staying at.

At the Hotel:

Marinette was waiting in the lobby for Damien to pick her up, Tikki had promised to keep quiet unless a problem cameup so she would distract Marinette.


Marinette's phone buzzed with a message.

/I'm right outside in the dark blue Porsche./

"Porsche..." Marinette muttered in shock.

A slight kick from Tikki in her bag got her going again and Marinette left the building. Sure enough there was Damien leaning on a dark blue Porsche, Marinette skipped over to him.

"Hi Damien, thank you for doing this, it means a lot to me. I hope I'm causing any form of inconvenience."

"Non-sense Marinette, it's my pleasure to do this." Damien corrected as he gently grabbed her hand and pressed light kiss to Marinette knuckles, causing her to turn pink.

"Though, I am sorry I couldn't pick you up inside, but I couldn't leave Titus alone in the car." Damien gestured to the Great-Dane in the car.

Marinette smiled "That perfectly ok Damien that just makes you a good pet owner."

Damien opened the passenger side door gesturing for her sit.

"Well my dear our adventure awaits."

Marinette sat down and Damien closed the door. As Damien walked around to the driver's side Titus poked his head up front to inspect the new person in the car.

*Sniff Sniff*

"Hello Titus, I'm Marinette, you are so cute." Marinette introduced herself turning to pet the large dog. Damien buckled up and started the car, smiling at the duo.

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