Dame Chanceuse Couture AU - (Zatanna)

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So, this takes place about 6 months after Mari and Tim started dating. They've told each other about their alter egos and Mari has told him about her past and real name, but not about the Kwamis.

Zatanna wanted to see where the bats are getting their new costumes since they are so well made and amazingly practical. It's an amazing upgrade for all of them. Plus she can sense a little bit of magic in the fabric and stitches but she can't detect the exact source on her own since it's such a little but powerful amount of magic.

Mari greets them all enthusiastically, kissing Tim first then moving on to hug the rest of the family. She offers to shake Zatanna's hand, who is just frozen on the spot because this little French woman is radiating so much magic that it's nearly suffocating.

She is just a swirl of good and bad luck, creation, and destruction and it's so much. Not to mention all the little hotspots around the whole building. There is such a large concentration of magic here that this place should be a beacon but it isn't. She could only sense all this once she stepped inside. What kind of magic is at work here???!!!???

She manages to force a smile and shake Mari's hand, though she is almost shaking. This girl has enough magical power to be a god and she is what? 17? 18? How is that possible? Maybe she is immortal? No, then there'd be records of her somewhere and she would have heard or read about her. But she hasn't.

So, Mari takes Zatanna in for a consultation and fitting like with all new clients. It's there in the back room when Zatanna finally has the courage to ask Mari about her magic.

The small bluenette tensed up and sighed. She makes sure to have Zatanna promise not to say anything about it, and since words are powerful, especially when said by a mage, that makes sure Zatanna is physically incapable of talking about Mari's magic, something she realized just a little too late.

Mari explains about the Kwami and how she is the new guardian of the Miraculi. Zatanna has read about the Miraculi but she thought those were destroyed hundreds of years ago. Mari explains the disappearance of the temple and all of that, what happened in Paris with Hawkmoth etc. Zatanna is increasingly horrified and awed by her tale.

When she finally finds her voice again, she asks Mari about her magic and how she got so powerful. Mari tells her that anyone who wears both the Cat and Ladybug Miraculous becomes the wielder of unimaginable power, but for that to happen, one would have to transform into both at the same time. Since Mari only transformed into one at a time but has used both multiple times, she has a fraction of that power.

Zatanna is stumped. If this is only a fraction of the Miraculi's power, who dangerous and powerful can they be at their full potential? She has a mini panic attack at the prospect. She doesn't want to know how it would happen and why but she wants to make sure it never comes to pass.

In the end, Zatanna leaves shaken and nervous but with some amazing new clothes. She heightens the good luck and creation magic in the fabric, finding that it helps her magic control and capacity whenever she wears Mari's designs.

She comes to the conclusion that Mari is a goddess in the making and wants to make sure she doesn't become a malevolent one. She is going to be a major magical person of interest and Zatanna is determined to somehow get John and Nabu to visit her shop.


This is not My Story.

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@MultiFandom Stories And Headcanons

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