Dame Chanceuse Couture AU - (John Constantine)

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John Constantine was not a man easily scared or surprised. He worked with the magical world which was chock-full of strange creatures, even stranger people, and supernatural occurrences so it was understandable. And he didn't expect much out of Gotham. He's been there, done that. Was it darker and grittier than any other place he had ever visited? Absolutely. Did it stand out in any other way? Not until recently.

The supernatural world was abuzz with rumors whispered in the dark, drunk confessions, and deals made out of desperation. No one knew how this started, that was for certain but everyone had heard of it at one point or another. And it was about Gotham. John didn't know much but he gathered enough to know where he should go to poke around a bit.

That's how he found himself walking the streets of Gotham City's Crime Alley at night, his hands in his pockets and eyes watching Gotham Night Life unfold around him. It was a strange sight for sure, people drunkenly stumbling about, multiple people getting mugged and the neon signs of the bars and clubs all around painting the streets red, blue, and purple. No other city had a nightlife like Gotham, that's for sure.

Rumor said that Lucifer himself had visited the city recently, with his second in command Mazikeen and someone had visited them in Los Angeles a month or two ago though who was left unsaid. No one knew. And Zatanna had been urging him to go to Gotham, specifically Crime Alley for some time now though she never said why. Whenever he tried to get out of her why, she calmed up, her jaw clenching as her eyes pleaded with him to drop the subject. So he did. But he never stopped wondering. And as soon as he set foot in Crime Alley, he understood. The whole place was covered in a thick layer of magic, coating everything from the streets, to the plants and people. And there were two big, bright spots that were overflowing with magic that he knew he had to visit. The first, bigger one, was on the other side of the district and the second, smaller one, was near the heart of Crime Alley, so he headed there first.

That's how he found himself in the Iceberg lounge, drinking whiskey on the rocks and looking around the room and watching the people carefully, trying to identify the source of the magic. It was a person, he knew that much, but nothing else. No one describe anything specific and everyone referred to her as The Goddess. All that helped was narrowing down the potential demographic of people it could be.

"Ladies and Gentlemen! It is my pleasure to introduce," an almost unnatural hush feel over the overcrowded bar, all eyes trained on the stage at one, "the one and only, Angelical Jessica!"

A round of intense applause followed the announcement as the crowd cheered and John tensed. As a woman in a white dress and lace with curled midnight blue hair stepped onto the stage, her hair curled and eyes closed, a tsunami of powerful magic filled the room. It was unlike anything he had ever encountered before and it scared him just a bit.

He understood why they called her The Goddess now. The intensity of the magic in the air threatened to suffocate him, filling his whole being with a raw, primal instinct that told him to run. She was an eldritch creature, he decided, not meant to be on this plane of existence, and yet she was. It scared him, the prospect of ever facing her.

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