Family Dinner

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"I would like to apologize in advance. Father and his feral mistakes are very lively people and I fear they will take too much of a liking to you. If it is at all uncomforting, just squeeze my hand and we will leave."

Marinette glanced over as Damian stared menacingly at the oak doors in front of them. It had only been a year since she had met him, but he had never once mentioned the idea of her meeting his family. Maybe it was because he knew today was special and he knew that meeting them was her only request of him for the longest time.

"Do you feel uncomfortable Damian? If so, please don't put yourself in this position because of me."

"Tt, utter nonsense. Me? Uneasy? Now you are just babbling."

A small smile tugged at the corner of her mouth at the sight of the red threatening to overtake his cheeks.

"Well then, I guess there is no point in standing outside all day huh?"

Before her fist even made contact with the door, it flung open. Several curious faces piled in the doorframe, all trying to get a good look at her in case Damian changed his mind in an instant.

"You idiots, back up now or I'm leaving with her."

A mutter of apologies echoed through the door as Marinette bit back the chuckle. With a great sigh, Damian motioned for her to step through the entrance, his tense body signaling that he was already ready to throw in the towel.

"It's so nice to finally meet you all, my name is Marinette Dupain-Cheng."

Her half-wave seemed to send a shock wave through the room as all eyes narrowed in on her, watching her every movement. Cautiously, she lowered her hand. A moment of silence passed and then two. Everyone seemed locked onto her, unsure of what to say and if she was being honest, she had the slightest idea as well.

"Are you all crowding her? Shameful. I thought I told you to wait in the dining room."

It was as if the heavens had parted and uttered a command. Several bodies darted in different directions and in seconds, the hallway had been cleared save for Marinette, Damian, and an older man with graying hair and a killer smile on his face.

"Miss Dupain-Cheng, we are truly honored that Master Damian has allowed you to grace us with your presence for dinner this evening. I apologize for Master Bruce's charges. They really are all excellent kids, but rare elements such as yourself tend to erase their minds of any manners I worked so hard to instill in them."

He shook his head in mock disappointment as he offered her his hand.

"Oh please, don't worry about it, Mr. Alfred. I'm sure they were just as excited as I was."

Taking his hand, she did her best to give a strong shake. His warm smile seemed so inviting, but the thought that he could clear a room with just a sentence shook her to her core.

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