Slightly Cinderella

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(I tried to find their Masterpost/ Masterlist but they didn't have any.
So there's nothing here.)


In a faraway land; with Kings, princes, knights, and little bits of magic, there was a little girl. Her name was Marinette; she was sweet child with 2 wonderful parents named Tom and Sabine, who were very minor nobles. Just before Marinette turned 10 Sabine got ill, very ill, and the doctors had no idea what was causing it. Tom was devastated, it took a little over a month before Sabine gave into the sickness; leaving Marinette with only the words.

"Stay kind and stay true my Concinelle, love will find you in the end."

Marinette felt tears run down her face; her mother was gone. No longer there to teach her and lover her; to bring a smile to her beloved family's faces. Looking over, Marinette knew her father felt the same. But, a small part of them was happy; the illness had been very painful for Sabine, now it could no longer hurt her.

She was finally at peace.

They mourned her, planting her favorite flowers, lilies, around the house in her honor.

About a year later Tom met a woman; her name was Audrey and she had 2 daughters of her own, Chloe and Lila. She seemed to be a nice woman, a bit cold to her, but she made her father happy so Marinette was willing to try. Audrey's daughters on the other hand; Marinette did not like, they were rude and all made fun of her when her father wasn't around. They blamed her for things that broke or never happened, so Marinette was always in trouble because Audrey never let her explain and her father never listened.

Unfortunately Marinette could never find a way to get her father alone to talk to him about what is happening to her; and before Marinette knew her father and Audrey were married.

A short time after the wedding Tom got sick and just like the case with her mother; the doctor's had no idea what was causing it. As Tom fell further into sickness; Audrey asked Marinette to some chores as she brought Tom some tea. They were small things; like sweep the front step, water the flowers, go fetch some apples from the market, but Marinette noticed she never ask Lila or Chloe to do these things. By the time Marinette's father passed she was doing all the chores in the house, and her new reality only hit her when Audrey made a special request.

"Marinette, remove all those awful lilies around the house; I don't want them here anymore."

"Those lilies were planted by me and my father to honor my mother!" Marinette cried.

Audrey dismissed her with a wave of her hand.

"They are no longer here and this is no long your house; its mine. Now do as you're told or face the consequences."

Lila and Chloe laughed as Marinette ran out in tears, this couldn't be happening to her! What had she done to deserve this?

Now not wanting to find out what the consequences were Marinette set about removing the lilies, carefully saving some to plant in a different spot. Far away from the house, in a little cove by a pond that only she and her mother knew about; did Marinette plant they lilies, hoping they would fare better than her in the new life given to them.

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