Set up Photography

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Damian gritted his teeth as he pulled his uniform on. He was aware that there was a time window for this and so he was better off not wasting it over petty dramas...except it's Drake. And therefore instantly this is made harder. It doesn't matter if Drake is the best photographer he knows, or how much he wishes for Marinette to have a good time, and that his father demanded his attendance, asking anything of Drake was like pulling teeth to Damian.

It was not as if it was even a requirement of him to do this, but between the staged mediocre option of his school, and the superior option that Drake can fulfil for them to be able to look back on, he wanted to pick the latter.

But asking Drake was a matter of his pride. Could he actually do this? Was he willing to walk through fire for his girlfriend, yes with no hesitation. But asking Drake for a favour was pushing the line.

She hadn't even asked him about it, rather he planned for a perfect night and that meant everything coming together for perfection which included Drake's superior quality.

...yes Marinette was worth it. But he better do it quickly, otherwise, Brown, Grayson, and goodness know who else would be here soon and catch wind of it all which would make it infinitely worse.


"Brat." A pause as Drake continued to look over the notes on a case that had piqued Bruce's interest.

"I have a favour to request of you." Tim actually paused and looked at him.

"Can you repeat that for me? I think I misheard you."

"I have a favour to ask of you."

"Nope did not mishear. Did I get a dose of fear toxin or something? I should run some tests."

"You have not come into contact with anything that would result in hallucinations." Damian rolled his eyes.

"You as a hallucination would say that. But it also could be something that happened to you. Brainwashed?" Tim muttered.

"No. You're being ridiculous."

"If you say so. What's the request for a favour?"

"I need your photographic skills." Tim nodded.

"Are we looking at a new case of yours or something?"

"No. A school formal event that Father insists I attend." Tim looked at him.


"I have a date as well and your skillset in photography bypasses the school chosen one at the event. I'd like for you to do some at home so that there are some actually good ones." Tim continued to stare.


"You clearly heard me, Drake."

"Yeah but it's so out of character for you anything like this."

"Get with the times, are you going to do this or not?" Damian demanded.

"Yeah, but remember, you'll owe me."

"Clearly." Damian rolled his eyes. The conversation was over as Damian moved away and the others came down to the cave to get ready for patrol.

Damian stood waiting. Alfred had driven him, Bruce and Tim, out for this to pick Marinette up. Tim was actually set up for what appeared to be a small photoshoot opportunity while Marinette's career promised to go get Marinette. Damian fought to scowl because Dick had already insisted on photos at the manor claiming it to be an opportunity that would not come again. Damian was in agreement because these affairs were mostly stupid when he could be out patrolling and helping rid the world of more lowlife evil.

And the Marinette appeared at the top of the stairs and he was reminded exactly why he was going through with all of this.

She looked stunning in the dark pink covered in sequins and floating sleeves on the top of the staircase. She beamed at the sight of him and tried to race down the stairs only to trip and start falling when he moved to catch her, used to her clumsy ways. Their eyes were locked as his hands steadied her waist and hers were around his neck. Damian merely gave a small smile.

"I thought I told you heels were your enemy."

"I am already short compared to you. I don't want to crane my neck this evening." Marinette voiced her complaint.

"Come on. Let's get the photos over with so we can go to this dance." Marinette gave a smile. Tim directed them with a smile, and they posed, Damian, holding her waist and her leaning against him and all sorts of photos. When they finally left, and dropped the pair off, Tim wanted to start developing the photos to put his finger on exactly what it was that was irritating him.

He found it in the photos. Damian held Marinette tenderly and didn't create a barrier of some sort. He sought her touch just as much as she sought his. But his favourite was the first one where they hadn't posed and he had managed to capture Damian's expression on first seeing Marinette in a mirror as she also saw him from the stairs. It showed exactly what he suspected. Damian thought of Marinette as more than just a one-night date. His second photo on capturing when Damian caught her further proved that the pair were lost in each other and unaware. Tim made a mental note to ask Damian when he handed over the photos.

But if Bruce's blush was anything to go by when Damian came home with pink smudged lipstick, he had a fairly good guess that maybe he didn't need to ask after all.

Damian was pleased with all the photos.


This is not My Story.

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@madness grows more madness

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