Tim Is Like A Genius Or Something..

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It was official. Tim had lost it.

At least that was the sentiment the family shared as they watched him tumble down the rabbit hole that he had sprawled out across the dining room table.

"-and then he smiled at me. At me! That has never happened before, at least not a genuine one." He paused to catch his breath, allowing his theory to sink in.

"Timmy, don't you think you're giving the boy too much credit?" Jason was the only one able to voice what they all were thinking, at least the one with the best chance of not getting their head torn off. "I mean, he has trouble communicating with his own gender and now you're telling me he's been able to woo his female lab partner?"

Tim slammed his hands on the table in frustration before sinking back into the chair he had started in. For weeks now he had been gathering evidence of his brother's oddities and for weeks he had been haunted by a softer and friendlier Damian.

"Think about it guys, please!"

His pleads seemed to fall on deaf ears as one by one they left the table, each offering their own look of sympathy until he was the only one in the room. It wasn't long until he himself had given up, collecting his pictures from the table, tearing them in half one by one.

Maybe Dick was right. His hallucinations were getting the better of him. After all, even if Damian was changing, it couldn't be because of one girl, right?

Absolutely nobody in the world could wield enough power to reign in a demon such as him.


Tim had survived another week of hallucinations. He had tried sleeping more, laying off his coffee, and even cutting his hours back from Wayne Enterprises. But as he sat in the kitchen, going through his emails, his mind remained drowning in thoughts of his replacement.

"Timmy, do you know who this jacket belongs to? The ladies say it's not theirs and if it's one of Brucie's night friends, I bet it's worth thousands."

Tim spared a glance from his laptop to where Jason stood in front of him, his fist clenched around a small black pullover. He had half the mind to wave him off when something pink flashed from the corner of his eye.

"Jason, let me see the jacket."

Jason tossed it, his face cautious as if Tim were about to dart with his next paycheck, but it was the furthest thought in the younger Wayne's mind.

"The girl that Damian is always bringing over, it belongs to her. His lab partner."

"You mean Marinette? Damn, then I probably won't make much off of it. Guess I'll probably give it back next time I see her."

Tim waited, his face showcasing the perplexion he felt as Jason seemed to walk away thoughtlessly. How he could come to the same conclusion that he did? How? It felt like it was so obvious.

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