The Great IKEA Game - Chapter 13

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Blacktop Confrontations

Dick didn't resist Tim's insistent pulling, as the IKEA doors slid open. The clean, cool, air gave way to oppressive and muggy late May heat. Jason appeared at his back, a self-satisfied grin on his face, nerf gun slung on his shoulder.

"We are never following your suggestions for family bonding time ever again," grumbled Tim, blinking in the mid afternoon's bright sun.

Dick winced. This hadn't been his best idea, but it turned out alright in the end, hadn't it? He knew they were lucky to escape this mess without too many consequences.

"Oh, I don't know," Jason smirked. "I think this was Dickie's best bad idea yet."

"Do you realize the number of problems we caused?" complained Tim, completely ignoring Jason. "PR will have my head for this, all our heads actually. I saw people filming us! This will be on social media before the hour is out. And don't get me started on what Bruce will do."

"Bruce will be happy we're getting along," Dick offered weakly. Which, you know, he would, if getting along didn't also come attached to media scandals and a large bill. But Dick preferred to look on the upside here.

Tim pinned him with a stare. "No, no he won't. And the only reason we might, I repeat, might have a chance at mitigating how much a fit he'll throw is because he's on another planet halfway across the galaxy."

"That's if Alfie doesn't have our heads first," Jason said, his previous grin tempered with the idea of what their long-suffering butler-grandfather would do. Lock them out of the cave? Subject them to his waffles? The patented Pennyworth look of I'm Not Mad I'm Just Disappointed?

Dick shuddered.

"That too," said Tim.

They approached the car, an older model Toyota that generally sat unused in the garage. It wasn't often they traveled as a group unless it involved cape activities, in which case everyone split themselves between the batmobile and their respective cycles, or a fancy upscale event requiring the limo's use.

Dick reached into his pocket, to hit nothing but air and lint, and groaned.

"Fucking hell!"

Jason raised a brow. "What's the matter?"

"The French girl stole my keys." Then, remembering the interaction which played out between them, "And my phone."

"Mine too, plus my wallet and knife," grumbled Jason, twiddling with the trigger on the nerf gun.

Tim bit his lip, turning a thought over in his mind. "I thought I lost my phone in the fire's chaotic aftermath, but I do remember bumping into a girl on my way to the back office."

"Fire?" Dick asked. "What fire?" He was ignored.

"Congratulations world's second greatest detective," drawled Jason. "An untrained opportunistic civilian managed to pickpocket you."

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