The Great IKEA Game - Chapter 5

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Vent Shenanigans and Keurig Conversations

Television shows made navigating through vents appear much easier than it was in real life. Then again, they also made being a superhero look easy too, and Marinette was painfully aware of how that was false.

Her knees and back ached from crawling through the low ceiling vents, and though she wasn't claustrophobic, she was decidedly cramped. And if that's how she felt, Damian, at more than half a foot taller, had to be doubly suffering. She asked how he was doing.

"I've crawled through far more pleasant vents before," he replied seriously. "If we could continue quickly, we'll come out near another vent gate in about ten or so minutes."

They continued in silence until they came to a fork in the vent.

"Which way?" asked Marinette.

Damian hesitated. "I didn't see this on the plans."

"So, you don't know."

"I did not say that."

"So which way do we go?"


Marinette sighed and closed her eyes, poking for the pooled energy inside herself. Being the Guardian of the Miraculous had helped her innate magic to grow in leaps and bounds, but it was her Ladybug powers she ultimately searched for. After being bonded with Tikki for so long, certain... qualities tended to bleed over. One such ability was making decisions infused with good luck. It wasn't easy, but it was one she had been working hard to master.

A glimmer of magic burned in her chest, and a fleeting whispered voice told her to turn left. She smiled in the dark of the vent.

"Left," she said confidently, "we go left."


Marinette's smile turned into a smirk, even though Damian couldn't see her. "If I told you, I'd have to kill you."

"You wouldn't be the first to try." The quickness made the reply appear casual, but Marinette could tell by the steel in his tone it told more truth than intended.

'Who the hell did I team up with?' her brain once again asked.

"Let's leave me off the list," she said, bypassing the dangerous remark with a gymnast's grace. "Come on."

She crawled around the corner and, after only a moment's hesitation, heard Damian follow after her.

Silence reigned for another minute or so before far in the distance they spotted light.

"Oh, thank the Kwamis, an exit," Marinette muttered.

Damian grumbled behind her. "None of this appeared on the plans."

"Learn to roll with the flow." The light grew stronger, so she flicked off her phone flashlight. "Chances are it didn't take your brothers too long to track me back to our hiding spot. They probably know we're in the vents. If they found the same plan you did..."

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